NIMAS NIMAC National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard And National Materials Access Center
True or False? 1. NIMAS files from the NIMAC are student-ready and are distributed directly for use in the classroom. 2. Accessible Media Producers, such as braille transcribers, do not have direct access to the NIMAC. 3. Only visually impaired students can be served with materials produced from NIMAS files. 4. The NIMAS specification requires that publishers supply alt-text for all textbook images. 5. Anyone can search the NIMAC database.
NIMAS: What is it? National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard A recommendation developed in 2004 by consensus of an expert panel of 40 key stakeholders Approved by US Dept. of Ed in July 2004 Included in IDEA and signed into law by President Bush in December 2004 Published in Federal Register on July 19, 2006 Based on the international DAISY Book Standard Purpose: timely delivery of high quality accessible specialized formats to students who are blind or print disabled
Why is NIMAS Important? Students Timely delivery of high quality accessible textbooks Breaks down one barrier to the general education curriculum Educators Reduces scanning duplication of effort – saves time and money Increases likelihood that specialized formats will be available when they are needed by students with print disabilities Publishers 50 States and 50 sets of requirements – complexity and cost Copyright issues – digital rights for text and images
Special Formats and Core Instructional Materials Special Formats: oBraille, oAudio oDigital Text oLarge Print Print Instructional Materials o Printed textbooks and related core materials
What is the NIMAC ? A national repository of NIMAS source files for K-12 publishers’ files. Maintained and coordinated by the American Printing House for the Blind (APH). Files are used to produce student-ready specialized formats, such as braille, audio, digital text, and large print for students who qualify.
Which Students Are Eligible? IDEA 2004, PART D, SEC (e) (3)(A) BLIND OR OTHER PERSONS WITH PRINT DISABILITIES—The term 'blind or other persons with print disabilities' means children served under this Act and who may qualify in accordance with the Act entitled 'An Act to provide books for the adult blind', approved March 3, 1931 (2 U.S.C. 135a; 46 Stat. 1487) to receive books and other publications produced in specialized formats.
IEP - Responsibilities Review the student’s evaluation information and present levels of achievement to determine whether the student has a disability-related difficulty with the task of gaining meaning from print-based core instructional materials used in the content areas Determine whether the student has been certified as having a print disability under the Chaffee Amendment If the student is not currently Chaffee eligible, determine whether the student needs instructional materials in alternative formats Dr. Joy Zabala’s Podcast (
Whether or not the student is Chaffee eligible, the IEP team must… Determine the alternate formats needed by the student Identify instruction, supports, services, and/or training will be needed by the student and others to use the materials effectively Take steps to obtain and/or prepare alternate formats
Key questions when applying the SETT Framework to Accessible Instructional Materials Does this STUDENT need instructional materials in alternate formats to access the curriculum and receive a free, appropriate, public education? In which ENVIRONMENTS will alternative materials be used? For which TASKS will the student require materials in which alternate format? What TOOLS will the student and others need? Formats? Teaching? Technology? Training? Accommodations? Modifications?
Where Do We Go From Here? Each district in WI has signed on to NIMAS Be sure to request that core textbooks are sent to the NIMAC when ordering books from publishers Publish date of July 19, 2006 and after are in NIMAC (publish defined as “available for purchase” - OSEP) Know your Authorized Users! Be sure to access Wisconsin Accessible Media Productions Website: Call us if you have questions! We will find the answers if we do not know them! NIMAS Coordinator, Stacy Grandt: x 2