Outcomes-Based Funding: Design Principles and State Examples Outcomes-Based Funding: Implementation in Massachusetts Richard Freeland, Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Higher Education 1
Process and Impacts of Performance Funding: The Massachusetts Experience
3 Inclusive engagement of all community college Presidents Facilitated over a 3 month process by an outside expert – Dennis Charge to the Planning Group: 1. Strong emphasis on completions to meet needs of the labor market and the goals of the Vision Project 2. Address significant inequities in existing funding structure Ensured metrics were in alignment with Vision Project goals Reached collective agreement on formula Getting to the Funding Formula Process of the Planning Team
4 Base Funding The added emphasis on “non- credit workforce” training was recommended by Labor and Workforce Development and Housing and Economic Development Basics of the Formula Student Credit Hours Completed Non-Credit Workforce Enrollments Community College Funding Formula Performance Funding Weighted by field for COST of delivery College Completion Variables Weighted for PRIORITY fields and PELL-eligible students +
5 College Completion Metrics include several proxy measures of institutional effectiveness in encouraging students to achieve successful outcomes. College Completion Metrics Certificate Completion Weight10% Associate Completion Weight15% Transfers Above 24 SCH Weight5% 30 Credits Hours Weight5% Completions: English Weight7% Completions: Math Weight8% Awards per 100 FTE5% ATD Success Rate (3 Year Average)45% # of completed certificates # complete 30 credits in any given year # completing a credit-bearing course in English degrees and certificates per (FTE) students Achieving The Dream “Success Rate” # of associates degrees # who transfer having completed 24 credits # completing a credit-bearing course in Math College Completion Metrics Performance Funding
6 areas of performance relevant to The Vision Project and the Governor’s goals Alignment WEIGHTS applied to completions Performance Funding AT RISK MULTIPLIER : PELL ELIGIBLE 2.0 PRIORITY CERTIFICATES* 1.3 PRIORITY ASSOCIATE DEGREES* 1.3 Completions x WEIGHT
7 Strategies became more focused Funding was reallocated to mirror enrollments & priorities of Vision Project Collaboration across campuses (regionally and system-wide) increased significantly Action oriented implementation to scale best practices Impacts of the Funding Formula Campus Level
8 Executive and legislative relations improved Transformed perception of the community colleges Created pressures on other levels of higher education to implement Scaling of best practices across higher education and in concert with other state agencies Transformation Agenda (Round 1 DOL TAACCCCT funded) Guided Pathways to Success (DHE and Complete College America) Impacts of the Funding Formula Systems Level