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Presentation transcript:


Agenda Timelines – RFA MeetUps vs. Bidder’s Conferences – “RFA Timeline v4” will be updated next week New website functionality Match Open questions from last MeetUp Common Metrics and Accountability Measures California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 2

Doingwhatmatters.cccco.edu New functionality California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 3

Matches for EWD funds for the Sector Navigator RFA California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 4 What requires a 1:1 match? $322,500 of the $372,500 -Sector navigator: Yes -Collaborative community/Advisories: Yes -Hub: No Allowable matches specific to this RFA? -Office facilities, phones, office supplies, website, etc. -Meeting facilities, catering, logistics support, value of travel/per diem for participants to attend meetings, etc. -Any other funding source: -SB1070, Perkins, LWIBs -Other funds: private, philanthropic, federal grants, other state funds -Value of time/technical assistance -Advisory bodies, workshops -Faculty time on collaborative communities -Communications -Other in-kind donations Rule of thumb: auditable papertrail; reasonable standards applied to value

Questions from last RFA MeetUp By what process can the regional consortia change their “P” and “E” sector designations for this RFA cycle? When will RFAs be released? Will TA funds/projects go through the RFA process? How much will the TA grants be? Is there any alternative to JPA, such as a 501c3 or MOU, assuming that such an alternative structure includes the elements described? California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 5

Common Metrics & Accountability Measures A. Student Momentum Points B. Leading Indicators of Curriculum Alignment to Workforce Needs C. Quality of Service Measures California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 6 SB 1402 SB 1070 Perkins 1B More on outcomes, less on activities and outputs Common menu Selectively applies depending on funding stream & RFA scope Advised by CalPASS, RP Group, WestEd, CCCCO TRIS, ARCC 2.0, field Launchboard: tools to automate data collection and deliver data “Moving the Needle”

Common Metrics and Accountability Measures Document now posted: RFA Workplan: Under Performance Outcome section, will need to affiliate objectives with a common metric(s) RFA will have examples California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 7

A. Student Momentum Points Middle School cluster Transition from Middle School to High School cluster High School cluster Transition from High School to College cluster Community College cluster General Education and Transfer Progress cluster Community College Transition to Workforce cluster Workforce Progress cluster California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 8 SB 1402 SB 1070 Perkins 1B X X X X X X X X X X X X

B. Leading Indicators of Curriculum Alignment Occurrences of the following: Alignment of skillsets within a program (or set of courses) to the needs of the industry in a particular occupation and the needs of the labor market Regionalization of stackable certificates aligned with a particular occupation ladder Alignment of a certificate with state-, industry-, nationally-, and/or employer-recognized certificate Movement of a certificate from non- credit to credit Curriculum articulation along a career or multi-career educational pathway Updating skills of faculty, teachers, counselors, and/or ‘supporting staff to student’ to reflect labor market needs California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 9 SB 1402 SB 1070 Perkins 1B X X X For each, grantees shall provide evidence in the form of a rating by the employers/advisory body, on a scale of = exceeds expectation 4 = meets expectation 3 = almost meets expectation 2 = below expectation 1 = does not meet expectation

C. Quality of Service Measures 360-degree evaluation, with consideration for… – Strength of leadership and coordination in building of necessary supporting capacity, such as center, advisories, collaborative communities, and hub – Strength of partnership with education and industry partners – Strength of awareness and influence on state and regional policy related issues – Leadership and responsiveness as a member of the CCCCO Extended Operations Team California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 10 SB 1402 SB 1070 Perkins 1B X X Tool will be provided by the CCCCO.

11 California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students Phase 1: Doing What MATTERS for Jobs & Economy Framework – Target incentive investment (EWD, SB70, Perkins 1B) Sector Region Technical Assistance – Braided RFA – Common accountability metrics Administrative Fixes Empower RegionsRethink Funding Phase 2: Moving the Needle Phase 3: Scaling Excellence