Value Chains Mapping Impact of 1 st phase, ID Theme 3 IDOs and key research outputs Derek Baker 11 July 2013
Impacts from 1 st phase Key outputs leading to outcomes Impact (at 1 million people yet?) TrackingPartners/comments Clearing HouseVaries with user Best Practice Conference/events Track downloads Conc FW around the tools? Partners? Too passive? Too research-oriented? Better utilised Agric Biodiversity Tools New conceptual thinking Use Better governance, policy Reduced poverty Resilience User selection/targeting Survey-based (people, plants) CRPs Donors Tools (LINK) Tested interventions Data Field guides R4D platforms Capacity development Uptake and use of methods Better governance Enhanced entry and market engagement Business indicators Metrics for inclusiveness and sustainability of trading mechanism Canvass the Learning Alliance Private firms Donors Univ. NGOs CRPs Value chain upgrading evidence: Efficiency and equity/inclusiveness Scaling up and out. Participatory methods Policy briefs Tools. Uptake and use of methods Production increase (HH and aggregate) Value added. Survey basedAfrican Potato Association CRPs
Impacts from 1 st phase – CONT’D Key outputs leading to outcomes Impact (at 1 million people yet?) TrackingPartners/ comments Assessed VC performance Review, promotion of VCA guides, methods Demand and nutrition VC CF New partners Enhanced co-ordination of research Research at different points in the chain Survey based Same crop, better result Same result, new crop Donors CRPs Value chain upgrading evidence: Efficiency and equity/inclusiveness ID contractual preferences New methods and metrics Tools Gender guidance to upgrading approaches Tracking between CRPs CRPs Tools for use in lending risk management and factors affecting uptake sampling for IA for whole VC GIS mapping of VC Contract specifications Datasets Uptake by World Bank NGO Partners Farmer association Transition to uptake conditions Survey of various actors along VC Programme records Observed uptake of tools Private firms Contacts to secondary services (reinsurance) CCAFS Funding agencies
Impacts from 1 st phase – CONT’D Key outputs leading to outcomes Impact (at 1 million people yet?) TrackingPartners/ comments Cassava: IA based on rapid appraisal and surveys throughout VC ID factors affecting Impact of intervention Capacity-building Changed VC structureUptake of methods Surveys Industrial monitoring Price series analysis Africa Rising Government Tools testing and knowledge sharing Knowledge platforms VC performance assessment & factors affecting Rationalisation and improvement of VC methods Changed National Statistical management procedures Policy adopted Uptake of methodsCRPs Donors National Statistical bodies Continental bodies Government Private sector
Mapping of impacts Development topic Stage of VC Commodity Resource Public/private Benefits/risk Type of policy Economic topic Beneficiary Development Partner Funding agent Type of intervention Location Research Partner At Scale? Subdivision Partner/audience /user At Scale?
Moving to IDOs Story telling around the tools being developed Value Chain Conceptual Framework as a starting point? Understanding of “complex livelihood realities” Enhanced observable technical items (e.g. Agric biodiversity) “Moving down the Impact Pathway” Use of under-utilised data Scaling up and out – esp via other CRPs, also with donors and private sector Gender-relevant evidence Moving the analytic tools through to Impact Assessment Uptake/Best practice based on synthesis products (incl. rationalised terminology)? Improved methods Use of tools by commercial actors Increased access to/use of capital and risk management instruments Consequences of, mitigation of, contribution to industrial dynamics Introducing knowledge platforms
Ways forward Better treatment of duplication/repetition Strategy on service to/service from others CRPs Within-PIM co-ordination Overarching VC Conc FW, and performance measures Multi-centre platforms