Final Project Search and Rescue
Objective As part of the search and rescue contest, you will need to find a high frequency (4 – 6 kHz) sound located somewhere in the room. There will be low frequency (< 500 Hz) sound source in the room, also.
BRAINSTORMING How can we locate a sound source?????
Sound Pressure Levels Sound pressure levels are measured in Pascals (Pa). If someone is yelling at you from 2-3 feet away that is about 1 Pa i.e. (1 Volt out of microphone) If he is speaking in a normal voice, that would be about 0.1 Pa. (100 mV out of microphone) If he is whispering (very softly) that might be 1 mPa. (1 mV out of microphone)
Gain Amplfier
Bandpass Filter
Transfer Characteristic
Design Equations
Absolute Value
Path Difference d l2l2 l0l0 l1l1 Sound Source Left Mic Right Mic If l 0 >> d, l = d * sin( )
Phase Delay If c = speed of sound = 340 m/s, then t = l / c. = arc_sin{(c * t) / d} So, how can I measure t????
Phase Comparison V phase = V dd * ( t / T) So t = V phase * T / V dd
Tone Decoder IC
The sky is the limit!