Ms. Bowman
Bones Frontal, maxillary, nasal, zygomatic, temporal, mandible
External Ear Pinna, external auditory meatus Middle Ear Tympanic membrane Ossicles Eustachian tubes Inner Ear Cochlea Semicircular canals Vestibulocochlear nerve
Nasal, frontal, maxillary, vomer, ethmoid bones Nasal septum Nasal cartilage Hard and Soft palates Nostrils Choanae Pharynx Trachea
Larynx Thyroid cartilage Trachea Hyoid bone
Lips Oral vestibule Oral cavity Tongue Papillae Taste buds Lingual frenulum
Teeth Type Incisors Cupsids Bicuspids Molars Structures Root Neck Crown Cementum and periodontal ligaments Gums Dentin Enamel Pulp
Mastication Facial Expression
Location Onset Facial injuries are usually acute MOI Direct trauma Other Symptoms Illness, allergies
Auricle Contusion, laceration, avulsion Inflammation Tympanic membrane Periauricular area Battle’s sign-skull fx
Alignment Epistaxis Septum and mucosa Eyes and face Raccoon eyes-nasal fx
Respiration Thyroid cartilage
Bleeding Ecchymosis Symmetry Muscle tone
Lips Teeth Tongue Lingual frenulum Gums
Nasal bone Nasal cartilage Zygoma Maxilla TMJ Periauricular area External ear Teeth Mandible Hyoid bone Cartilages
Ear Hearing Balance Nose Smell TMJ Open and close mouth
Cranial Nerve assessment-instruction to be provided when we discuss the head
Tongue blade test Mandibular fracture
Ear Auricular hematoma (cauliflower ear) Tympanic membrane rupture Otitis externa Otitis media
Nose Epistaxis Fractures Saddle-nose deformity Deviated septum
Throat Trauma usually results in respiratory distress
Facial Fractures Mandibular Zygoma Maxillary Lefort
Dental Tooth fractures Tooth luxations Dental caries Gingivitis TMJ dysfunction