Rose Holley, Trove Manager January The Australian Women’s Weekly now available in Trove: An overview of the digitisation process, content and covers.
10 June December 1982
1. Review Original Source A total of 484 issues were identified as missing from the Library’s collection. The majority of the missing issues are between Two bound volumes; each containing 13 issues, were missing and could not be located. 317 issues were identified as needing replacement due to damage, missing pages, or pages with text obliterated by drawings or annotations in ink.
2. Locate missing copies National Library of Australia. Photo John Conway, Creative Commons. State Library of New South Wales. Photo Greg O’Beirne, Creative Commons.
3. Call for public help
4. Digitise images from hard copy
5. OCR and article zoning - India
6. Quality Assurance Checks
7. Free access via Trove
Newspapers and more zone
Search ‘nugget shoe polish’
8. Content and Covers
Literature 1955 He drew her to him and she went willingly. “It’s the domestic world for you, my girl. I hope you can cook like your mother.” Pam’s heart sang “How about my career?” she asked weakly. “Secondary to mine. In fact” he added his lips close to hers, “Dr. Pamela winter is going to be plain Mrs Richard Philton, wife, mother and medical adviser when something crops up to puzzle her husband.”
War Years
Knitting patterns 1961 Vintage knitting nook website: Trove work:
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