Using vodcasts to enhance teaching: Experience of using SPUR students Daniel King Scott Lawley
Project aims Bring Organizational Behaviour to life Reach ‘digital native’ students Create teaching resource Online, on demand resources students can use to enhance learning Link theory to practice High utilisation – 800 students + resource for other universities Lectures and self-study
Expected students experience Tasks 1.Booking and arranging visits 2.Conducting interviews 3.Edit and write vignettes Skills developed networking, interviewing, communication, teamwork, and organisational skills
What we were told before conducting interviews Content matters – production quality not that important Get student voice – other students relate to them Students relate to video content
What we did Employed 2 SPUR students who worked together Conducted X interviews Also some ‘big name’ interviews – Stephen Hester – Joe Greenwell Linked to every chapter in textbook ss/king_lawley/01student/videos/ ss/king_lawley/01student/videos/
Our experience Considerably harder than we expected Video quality did matter – poor sound quality meant that not used material in lectures Managing students over the summer difficult – particularly when had pressing schedule writing the textbook Very time-consuming managing students, editing and producing the videos Not been as widely taken-up as we hoped
Further (unexpected) challenges Publishers satisficing Technical restrictions of file size Disaggregate interviewees experiences into topics
Lessons Learned Challenges of managing SPUR student during summer – Our availability – Level of support needed Vodcasts – Considering final output in interview design – Short sections – to be edited – Location key – i.e. café impossible to hear – Multiple skills needed – interview/subject knowledge and production knowledge
Wider lessons Resources – Proper camera with suitable microphone Training – Planning, recording, editing, and post-production of videos complex skill Time – Highly time-consuming. If university want to produce such teaching resources need to provide lecturers time to produce them