1 BSc (Honours) AMAIS Meeting with Returning Students Dr. Pedro Sampaio AMAIS Programme Director Office: MBS West 3.21
2 Presentation Structure Key Reminders for New Academic Year New Learning Facilities Available Academic Role Changes for 2013/2014 Work and Attendance Monitoring Final Year Students Information Feedback Support Sources
3 Key Reminders Register by the end of September or there will be a fine! Choose your courses by 4 th October 2013 (including semester 2) Move to a timetabled seminar/workshop if you are in a holding class (SEM0 or WSP0) Pre-requisites must be passed at 40% or more (not by a compensated fail) Request programme changes as soon as possible via The Undergraduate Office, D20 Degree Weightings 1/3 second year 2/3 final year
4 Reminder About Learning Facilities Learning Commons: Managed by the Library, the landmark building is designed a focal point for learning offering a stimulating and comfortable 24/7 environment for study. The space offers a variety of flexible individual and group study facilities as well as providing access to computers, scanning and printing facilities. C11 – Group Study Room that can be booked via D20 but students will have to leave their student card with D20 for the duration of the booking. Available 10am to 4pm. The Learning Commons has more rooms.
5 Academic Role Changes for 2013/2014 Dr Reza Salehnejad – Programme Director for IBFE Dr Antony Potter – Programme Director for IM & IMABS Prof Nik Mehandjiev – Programme Director for ITMB Penny Clarke – Programme Director BSc Accounting
6 Work and Attendance Monitoring Attendance at all seminars, tutorials, labs and workshops is compulsory and will be monitored If you are unable to attend a class because of illness or other good reason, you will need to complete an ‘absence from class’ form and submit it to the undergraduate office. Forms are available from the UG office (D20) or can be downloaded from the MBS UG intranet If a student misses 3 or more consecutive seminars, tutorials, labs or workshops, this will be followed up by the Assessment and Student Support Centre. As we have a duty to make sure students attend classes and do not have any serious problems that are the cause of non- attendance.
7 Final Year Students Start using the Careers Service if not already. Case Competitions Importance of NSS
8 Feedback You will receive feedback on your work in various forms: –Non-assessed coursework may be marked and returned to you –On-line quizzes on Blackboard –Comments on group or individual presentations –Generic feedback on examinations The objective is to help you monitor your progress and improve your performance Further Information on Feedback available at: –There is a section in the handbook on feedback of assessed/non assessed student work if you want to refresh your memory – see
9 Sources of Support Academic Advisors Course Coordinators and Programme Directors Assessment & Student Support Centre, D14 The Online Undergraduate Handbook : – (source of all information)
10 Academic Advisors and Academic Staff Hours AAs can help with any aspect of academic life and refer to the Assessment & Student Support Centre for non academic issues. Use of academic staff ‘Office Hours’ – hours that are designated as time that academics are free to meet students.
11 Good luck for the forthcoming year!