Describe and explain - patterns
Locating: Construct and use maps, showing understanding and accuracy in use of scale, co-ordinates and direction Identify and describe geographical patterns and recognise how places and patterns are interconnected. Teacher says – Global scale good sketch map but chosen for text which describes pattern well w/o explanation of different types of plate boundary so is more indicative of L6 type performance than L7. Good coverage of a range of places which with the map describes the geographical pattern appropriately. Level 6 Type
Understanding Processes Explain a range of physical and human features and processes, and describe the interactions within and between the processes. Explain how places change, identify trends. Teacher says: Gives overview of global Plate Tectonic theory and attempts to locate Washington State before moving to the Regional situation. Explains destructive plate boundary processes (pink highlighter) quite well and says what may happen at any time in next 100 years (change and trend). (missing words at end so Mt. Rainier could erupt at any moment – all we can do is wait) Well labelled in terms of locations - relevant diagram. Level 7 type
TITLE? Describe the general pattern of places which have volcanoes and earthquakes. Then mention specific real locations in a methodical order. Link to your map Draw a sketch map showing the distribution of volcanoes, earthquakes and plates. Remember your sketch map skills. Mention places which dont have earthquake or volcanoes. Mention which way some of the plates are moving.