Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 9 – Judaism & Rules
Religious Studies Lesson 2 – The Rules Last lesson we looked at the links between the western religions. Today you will: Find out about the Rules within Judaism (also valued by the other Western religions) Watch a visual source Summarise a story Learn how to use a Bible Analyse one set of rules Discuss if the rules are still good rules today
Religious Studies Back to the Beginning We start today with a visual source Noah and the Flood (Testament) After watching you will be asked to summarise the story so pay attention
Religious Studies The Summary so far Adam & Eve were given a rule The Devil tempted them They broke the rule They were sent away from God Abraham brought people back to God But people were not good at being kind God washed the world clean God promised not to do it again
Religious Studies More Rules So what came next? God gave the Jews the 10 Commandments. Use the Bible to discover what they are. To do this you will need to find Exodus 20:2-17 This is easier once you know how to do it. First, find the Book – Exodus – look in the contents page to find the order of the books. Next, find the chapter – 20 – look for the large number at the start of some paragraphs. Lastly, find the verses – 2-17 – look for the little numbers in the text.
Religious Studies The Ten Commandments What does the language of the rules actually mean?
Religious Studies The Ten Commandments Here is an idea of what a modernized 10 commandments might look like: 1.Put God first 2.Worship only God 3.Use God's name with respect 4.Remember to have a rest day every week 5.Respect your parents 6.Don't hurt others 7.Be faithful in marriage 8.Don't steal 9.Don't lie 10.Don't be jealous
Religious Studies The Ten Commandments - Task 1.Do you think the 10 Commandments are good rules for today? Why? 2.Which are good rules? Why? 3.Which are not relevant today? Why? 4.What rules would you suggest? Why? 5.Use the Bible again to discover who God asked to pass the 10 Commandments to people. Consider putting the 10 Commandments into just two rules – Jesus did and we will look at his commandments in a couple of lessons time.
Religious Studies Lesson 2 – The Rules Today have you: Found out about the Rules within Judaism and understood why they are also valued by the other Western religions? Watched a visual source? Summarised a story? Learned how to use a Bible? Analysed one set of rules? Discussed if the rules are still good rules today?
Religious Studies Lesson 2 – The Rules