M AJOR L EARNING IN T HE M INORS : Thirsting for a God of Forgiveness. Amos (Page 1419)
Thirsty? T HE M AIN P OINT People are thirsty for God whether they acknowledge it or not.
Thirsty? B ACKGROUND : Timeframe: 755 BC Assyrian Rule. Audience: North and South Israel. About Amos: “burden” or “burden- bearer”, shepherd and traveling fig- nipper!
Thirsty? M AJOR L EARNING F ROM THE M INORS : A MOS Chapter 1: Verse 1 = 755 BC God knows what is going on and he will act. Cf Revelation 2-3 The main part of the chapter focuses on why the people around them should be concerned about God coming in judgment.
Thirsty? A MOS C HAPTER 2 Moab is addressed and then things get close to home as Judah is addressed in 2:4-5 and Israel (10 tribes) are addressed in 2:6-8. God’s faithfulness and a reminder of God’s provisions are covered in 2:9-16.
Thirsty? A MOS C HAPTER 3 North and South are addressed and it is pointed out that God has warned them. Amos 3:7 says “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”
Thirsty? A MOS C HAPTER 4 (Verse 1 is funny) More reasons for their captivity, warnings of what is to come, why their acts of worship are meaningless, and how they did not turn to God during difficult times that were intended to have them focus on God.
Thirsty? A MOS C HAPTER 5 Only a remnant will be left, but God will leave a remnant! This chapter also speaks about having a heart that seeks God. Amos 5:18 says “Woe to you who long for the day of the Lord! Who do you long for the day of the Lord? That day will be darkness, not light.”
Thirsty? A MOS C HAPTER 6 Woe to the complacent and those who feel secure and how he abhors the pride of the tribe of Jacob (vs 8). This section is not to be skipped by us either!
Thirsty? A MOS C HAPTER 7 The visions! God shows Amos a swarm of locusts ready for punishment. Amos asks for mercy and God relents.
Thirsty? A MOS C HAPTER 7 God shows Amos judgment by fire. Amos asks for mercy and God relents.
Thirsty? A MOS C HAPTER 7: V ISIONS God shows Amos a plumb line. This object lesson shows how far off true the people are and Amos does not ask for mercy.
Thirsty? A MOS C HAPTER 7 – S TOP T ALKING ! We often get the same request today when we see if people are thirsting for forgiveness!
Thirsty? A MOS 7:14-15 “I was neither a prophet nor a prophet’s son, but I was a shepherd, and I also took care of sycamore-fig trees. But the Lord took me from tending the flock and said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’” Matthew 28:18-20! “Go, and make disciples….”
Thirsty? A MOS C HAPTER 8 “The time is ripe for my people Israel; I will spare them no longer.” This chapter also gives a glimpse of what the day of judgement will look like.
Thirsty? A MOS 8:11 “The days are coming, declares the Sovereign Lord, when I will send a famine through the land – not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.” Today God’s word is available constantly and people resist… but we still offer it, and pray to meet those who are thirsty.
Thirsty? A MOS C HAPTER 9 “I will fix my eyes upon them for evil and not for good.” All who deserve punishment will be punished! Israel’s restoration by the hand of God himself when he brings them back from exile and not uproot them again.
Thirsty? M AKING THE C ONNECTION To a person trying to pass on God’s message of forgiveness to people who think that life is fine.
Thirsty? B LESSINGS A SKED F OR … May God bless you with thirsty people in your life. May you be aware of your sin and on the alert for pride. May you avoid the entanglement of wealth and busyness. May you desire forgiveness and the advancement of the kingdom.
Thirsty? B LESSINGS A SKED F OR … May you thirst, and be refreshed by God’s word in your life. May you not give up sharing the news of God’s forgiveness. May you have a head of flint and a soft heart as you face the opposition of a stubborn and prideful world. May you take time to praise God for his grace and mercy.
Thirsty? F OR T WO W EEKS Hosea – Our Thirst for a God of Steadfast Love.