Indicators of ECONOMIC and SOCIAL Well Being. Key Idea 4
What is the HDI and how is it measured? How does it compare with economic indicators? How can development indicators be used to classify countries? KEY QUESTIONS:
ODD ONE OUT…. GNP/CapitaLife ExpectancyLiteracy rate Minimum wageFree schooling Average yearly income
Wealth and happiness – is there a link?
Social development is measured by population data like life expectancy.
Another Population Indicator… but what?
Or an Education Indicator – like literacy rates
The Human Development Index is a composite index which combines measures of life expectancy, school enrolment, literacy and income. A high score is an indicator of enhanced quality of life. The maximum index is 1.
Human Development Index (HDI) The results of the UN Human Development Index are closely correlated with GDP per capita measure.
Human Development Index (Well Being) increases as Economic well being Increases