More Endangered Species You make the call.
Apache Trout Good eating!!! Over-fished Loss of habitat & competition with non-native species Found in White Apache mtns (NM) Hatch & release seem to work
Arizona Cliff Rose Only lives in dry areas of Arizona Drought has caused numbers to decline Habitat loss Hard to grow in gardens
Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizard Found in California Habitat loss & pesticides caused #s to decline Live in dry sandy soils
California Condor #s decreased to 26 because of DDT poisoning, being shot, loss of habitat Bred in captivity Now some have been released Giant vulture-like scavenger
Giant Carrion Beetle Found in Oklahoma Live in grass land Feed on dead carcasses Not sure why #s have declined Captive breeding plan is in effect
Giant Panda Only 1000 left in wild Deforestation and poaching are biggest threats Do not breed well in captivity Only eat bamboo
Hawaiian Crow Numbers declined when coffee and fruit farmers began to shoot them Only 7 birds exist in wild today Captive breeding program is in effect
Oahu Tree Snail Numbers declined due to predation by a carniverous snail & loss of habitat Live in Hawaiian forests Hermaphroditic & can live for many years
Pitcher’s Thistle Found on shores of Great Lakes Lives on dunes Numbers declined due to habitat loss (mainly because of off road vehicles)
Red-Footed Tortoise Found in South America and Caribbean Herbivores and carrion eaters Numbers declined because they have been collected as pets
Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Found in San Francisco Bay Area Numbers declined due to habitat loss Need to live in brackish water area Herbivores No recovery plan yet
Schaus Swallowtail Butterfly Feed only on guava, tamarind & cheese shrub Found in Florida Keys # declined due to habitat loss & extreme weather Captive breeding & release - successful
Texas Blind Salamander Current # unknown Only found in small part of Texas’ #’s declined due to lack of water (overpumping by people), lack of bats to provide nutrients Eats plankton in caves
Wyoming Toad Found only in small part of Wyoming #’s declined due to water pollution Captive breeding and refuges set up Only 200 wild toads found recently