Unshakeable Truth Truth One - God Exists Truth Two - God’s Word Truth Three - Original Sin Truth Four - God Became Human Truth Five - Christ’s Atonement for Sin Truth Six - Justification through Faith Truth Seven - Living the Transformed Life Truth Eight - Jesus’ Bodily Resurrection Truth Nine - The Trinity Truth Ten - God’s Kingdom Truth Eleven - The Church Truth Twelve - The Return of Christ
A Lie to Reject “I am not that bad” A Truth to Embrace “Justification by faith in Christ’s work on the cross is my only hope.”
“Justification by faith in Christ’s work on the cross is my only hope.” The Biblical argument: Habakkuk 1:13 – God cannot tolerate sin Ephesians 2:8 – Faith is the arm that reaches out to receive God’s gift of grace. Isaiah 1:18; Romans 3:27,28; Romans 9:16 – The remedy is in God’s hands, alone.
“ Justification by faith in Christ’s work on the cross is my only hope” The logical arguments: Proof that Christ is indeed God is pivotal to His death being acceptable as atonement for my sin. In other words, If He is not God, it won’t work. The Miracle Argument – John 5:36; John 10:25; Acts 2:22 The Joy Argument – Romans 4:6-8; 8:17; Acts 17:25; I Peter 1:3,4 The Christian life is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with it, using God’s endless resources.
“ Justification by faith in Christ’s work on the cross is my only hope.” The logical arguments: The Relationship Argument If you met person after person who had met and been affected, positively, by someone you had never met what conclusions could you draw? 1.The person really exists. 2.The person has a positive effect on others. 3.I would like to meet this person! We should never underestimate the powerful reality of a genuine relationship with Christ on an unbeliever.
“ Life Change ” “If we truly believe that justification by faith in Christ’s work on the cross is my only hope”… We will: 1. Have a relationship focus, both with Christ, and the people we come in contact with. 2. Accept the fact that everyone is equally lost and in need of a Savior. 3. Live life as God intended it to be lived.
What does a relationship withGod look like?
First let’s use the vowels to examine. …some wrong ideas about our relationship with God.
There are three specific ways we relate to God A Positional Relationship I Corinthians 1:30 A Legal Relationship Romans 8:15-17 A Heart Relationship John 15:15
What you know o r Knowledge What you do or Actions Who you are or Relationships
Christ’s death on the cross, provides the means (justification by faith) for us to have….. a vital, intimate relationship with God who whispered the Word, and vital, intimate relationships with those He also loves.