PREPARING FOR SENATE LEADERSHIP Prior to accepting a leadership position, it is important to understand the commitment that the duty brings. Time commitment Task breadth and depth Connections and collaborations expected The purpose of this document is to help ensure a successful tenure as a leader with careful planning of future semester teaching loads.
PRESIDENT: (.4 RELEASE TIME) Key Meetings: 1. Academic Senate 2x/month (1 st and 3 rd Tue. 2-4pm) 2. District Academic Senate (2 nd Mon. 2-4pm) 3. District Strategic Planning Council (2 nd Mon. 12-2pm) 4. District Participatory Governance Council (1 st Mon. 2-4 pm) 5. Co-chair SPARC (2 nd and last Thu. 2-4pm) 6. College Governance Council (last Wed. 2-4pm) Other meetings: Regular meetings with college president (1/2 hour, scheduled) Regular meetings with VPI (1/2-1 hour, scheduled) Senate plenaries 2x/year (Fall in Irvine, Spring in SF)
PRESIDENT: (.4 RELEASE TIME) Optional affiliations: Curriculum Committee (1 st /3 rd Wed 2-5pm) General duties: Respond to s in a timely manner Prepare agendas, conduct meetings, coordinate posting information to web site Coordinate and review equivalencies Distribute Senate Rostrums (state newsletters) to divisions on arrival Conduct all-campus communication as needed (Opening Day letter, forwarded e-notices, notices of meetings 72 hours in advance, etc.) Represent the Senate in all areas on campus and at Senate sponsored events
VICE PRESIDENT Key Meetings: 1. Academic Senate 2x/month (1 st and 3 rd Tue. 2-4pm) 2. District Academic Senate (2 nd Mon/mo 2-4pm) 3. College Governance Council (last Wed 2-4pm) Other Meetings: State plenaries 2x/year, if possible (not required) General desired qualities: Respond to s in a timely manner. Fill in for the president in event of absence.
SECRETARY Key Meetings: Academic Senate 2x/month (1 st and 3 rd Tue. 2-4pm) Other Meetings: State plenaries 2x/year (optional) General desired qualities: Take notes with objectivity and detail. Submit draft notes in a timely manner. Submit revisions in a timely manner.
TREASURER Key Meetings: Academic Senate 2x/month (1 st and 3 rd Tue. 2-4pm) Other meetings: State plenaries 2x/year (optional) General desired qualities: Give timely reports on accounting matters Coordinate purchases and reimbursements Coordinate faculty dues donation
CURRICULUM COMMITTEE CHAIR Key Meetings: Academic Senate 2x/month (1 st and 3 rd Tue. 2-4pm) Curriculum Committee meetings (2 nd /4 th Wed 2-4pm) Other meetings: Curriculum Institute (every summer) Academic Academy (if possible) District Curriculum Meetings General desired qualities: Respond to s in a timely manner Research aspects of curriculum as needed Engage in training and thorough understanding of the PCAH
RESEARCH CHAIR Key meetings: Academic Senate 2x/month (1 st and 3 rd Tue. 2-4pm) Research Committee monthly or as needed, meetings with IRB members as senate liaison General desired qualities: Respond to s in a timely manner Display commitment to research and faculty inquiry
PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL CHAIR Key meetings: Academic Senate 2x/month (1 st and 3 rd Tue. 2-4pm) PPC meeting monthly or as needed Nominate faculty for statewide and local awards General desired qualities: Respond to s in a timely manner Display commitment to maintaining a collegiate, professional environment that celebrates faculty achievement
EDUCATIONAL POLICY CHAIR Key meetings: Academic Senate 2x/month (1 st and 3 rd Tue. 2-4pm) Ed Policy meetings monthly Attend Institutional Effectiveness meetings General desired qualities: Respond to s in a timely manner Address educational policy matters related to the 10+1 with timeliness and efficiency
DIVISION REPRESENTATIVES (NOT ON BALLOT - APPOINTED LOCALLY EACH FALL BY DIVISION) Key meetings: Academic Senate 2x/month (1 st and 3 rd Tue. 2-4pm) General desired qualities: Must attend all division meetings or send a proxy Faithfully represent division in all Senate matters Faithfully disseminate information from Senate meetings to division in a timely manner