School for drafting regulations Nuclear Safety Operation Vienna, 26 November -7 December 2012 Tea Bilic Zabric
Introduction In accordance with the Nuclear Law, the use of nuclear energy constitutes operations subject to licence. The licensee’s duty is to ensure the safety use of nuclear energy, physical protection and emergency response. The licensee bears primary responsibility for the safety of a nuclear facility
Introduction Regulatory body is responsible for regulatory control of the safe use of nuclear energy, physical protection and emergency response arrangements and for safeguards of nuclear materials.
Introduction Commencement of operation should be authorized only when regulatory requirements are met, including completion of commissioning tests, recording of the results and their submission to the regulatory body for approval, as appropriate
Introduction Prerequisits for issuing licence: the nuclear facility and its operation meet the safety requirements laid down in the Nuclear Law, and appropriate account is taken of the safety of workers and the population, and environmental protection; the methods available to the applicant for arranging nuclear waste management, including final disposal of nuclear waste and decommissioning of the facility, are sufficient and appropriate;
Introduction Prerequisits for issuing licence: the applicant has sufficient expertise available and, in particular, the competence of the operating staff and the operating organisation of the nuclear facility are appropriate; the applicant is otherwise considered to have the financial and other prerequisites to engage in operations safely and in accordance with national contractual obligations; and
Introduction Prerequisits for issuing licence: the planned nuclear facility and the operation thereof otherwise fulfils the safety principles laid down in law…
Introduction Operation of the nuclear facility shall not be started: until the regulatory body has ascertained that the nuclear facility meets the safety requirements set, that the physical protection and emergency planning are sufficient… until the Ministry… has ascertained that provision for the cost of nuclear waste management has been arranged in accordance with the provisions of….
Requirements for operation license Results of commissioning tests; Operational limits and conditions; Operating instructions and procedures and adequacy of staffing, with account taken of the need to work in shifts; Arrangements for emergency preparedness and response; The final safety analysis report Documents to be submitted (Module 4.10)
Requirements for operation license Programmes to be implemented: Radiation protection; Emergency preparedness; A management system for operations (engineering design, procurement, maintenance, etc.); Fire protection; Security; Classification of SSC important to the safety of the nuclear facility
Requirements for operation license Programmes to be implemented: Fitness for duty; Training and qualification of licensed personnel; Training of non-licensed staff of the installation; Maintenance; Initial testing of the nuclear installation and commissioning Surveillance;
Requirements for operation license Programmes to be implemented: Access authorization; Design, review and implementation of modifications to the installation, procedures and organizational structures, as well as operation qualification and requalification after modifications; Surveillance of pressure vessel material; Testing for the containment leakage rate; Monitoring and sampling of effluents;
Requirements for operation license Programmes to be implemented: Ageing management; Environmental surveillance around the site; Feedback of operating experience; Environmental qualification; Pre-service inspection and testing; In-service inspection and testing; Management of spent fuel and radioactive waste;
Requirements for operation Operator should demonstrate that it has in place: safety policy; programme for the assessment of safety performance; A mechanism for setting safety goals or targets; programme for training in safety and security cultures
Requirements for operation Operator should demonstrate that it has in place: The structure of the operating organization and the functions, roles and responsibilities of its personnel shall be established and documented The operating organization shall be staffed with competent managers and sufficient qualified personnel for the safe operation of the plant.
Requirements for operation Operator should demonstrate that it has in place: management system, system for carrying out regular audits; processes for the control of modifications; mechanisms for configuration management adequate staffing levels for the operation formal arrangements for employing and controlling contractors; corrective actions process
Requirements for operation Operator should demonstrate that it has in place: Qualified staff available at all times; Systematic and validated methods for the selection of staff; Programmes for initial, refresher and upgrade training, including FSS; Guidelines on fitness for duty; Knowledge management for operating, maintenance, technical and managerial staff
Requirements for operation Operator should demonstrate that it has in place: Comprehensive, readily retrievable and auditable records of baseline information and operating and maintenance history; Programmes for the feedback of operating experience (domestic and other nuclear installation); Formal procedures for event reporting.
Requirements for operation Operator should demonstrate that it has in place: Appropriate arrangements should be put in place for reporting any deviation from normal operation to the regulatory body and for providing the regulatory body with routine reports on safety performance, adherence to regulatory requirements and efforts being made to enhance safety, as required by the regulatory body.
Reneval of operation license The procedure to be followed is in general the same as in applying for an operating licence for a new nuclear facility. The renewal of the operating licence always involves a periodic safety review of the facility.
Reneval of operation license The report on the safety culture shall include the assessment methods, conclusions from the current status and effects within the operating licence period, and the measures aimed to upgrade the safety culture. In assessing and upgrading the safety culture, the expertise acquired in both organizational studies and practical nuclear safety shall be put to good use.
Operation of nuclear facility Regulatory control of the safety of nuclear facilities in operation contains official inspections: periodic inspections, specified and recorded in the facility-specific periodic inspection programme inspections required by regulatory guides which the licensee is obliged to request as part of the measures carried out at the facility or which regulator conducts at its discretion
Operation of nuclear facility Regulatory control of the safety of nuclear facilities in operation contains official inspections: control by resident inspectors at nuclear power facilities safety assessment on the basis of operating experience and safety research as well as other information obtained after the granting of the operating licence
Operation of nuclear facility Regulatory control of the safety of nuclear facilities in operation includes: nuclear facilities are responsible for safeguards of nuclear materials in accordance with the obligations imposed by the international agreements The licensee is responsible for nuclear material accounting and shall report on the events connected with safeguards of nuclear materials (also to EC)
IAEA documents Licensing Process for Nuclear Installations Specific Safety Guide Series No. SSG-12 Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Commissioning and Operation Specific Safety Requirements Series No. SSR-2/2 IAEA Guides on specific topics