Integrity ~ Service ~ Excellence
Nellis Air Force Base Chaplain Corps Las Vegas, Nevada Usher Annual Training 99th ABW/HC DSN: Org
Integrity ~ Service ~ Excellence Usher Training Overview Objective: Understand Air Force directives and follow procedures given to collect, count and secure Nellis Chapel Offerings. References: AFI V2 –2.3. Accounting for Chapel Offerings, Donations, and Project Officer Returns NAFB HCOI –8. Accounting for Income
Integrity ~ Service ~ Excellence AFI V2 (28 June 10) 2.3. Accounting for Chapel Offerings, Donations, and Project Officer Returns Chapel Offerings Appoint two people from each worship service to count the offerings. Counters must be: At least 18 years of age Not immediate family members, i.e. father/son or husband/wife. At a minimum, trained annually. Counters sign a deposit slip or a locally developed offering certificate to indicate the deposit is accurate and correct.
Integrity ~ Service ~ Excellence NAFB HCOI Accounting for Chapel Offerings, Donations, and Project Officer Returns Counters will utilize and complete CTOF Deposit Worksheet, deposit slip and bank deposit bag as outlined on the samples posted in counting room. Counters will sign the CTOF Deposit Worksheet to indicate the deposit is accurate and correct. All funds received will be annotated on the CTOF Deposit Worksheet. Exchanging funds from the offering is unauthorized (i.e. cannot write a check in place of cash). Collected funds, completed CTOF Deposit Worksheet (carbon), and deposit slip will be placed in deposit bag. Original will be placed separately on top of the safe or given to the Chaplain Assistant on Duty (when drop safe is not available). Deposit bag will then be secured and dropped in the safe or given to the Chaplain Assistant on Duty to place in safe (when drop safe is not available).
Integrity ~ Service ~ Excellence Deposit Bag
CTOF Offering Certificate
Deposit Ticket (Slip) List checks on deposit slip in List checks on deposit slip in descending order based on descending order based on monetary contribution. monetary contribution. (ex: $500, $200, $100) (ex: $500, $200, $100) Utilize both sides of deposit slip Utilize both sides of deposit slip to list checks to list checks
Integrity ~ Service ~ Excellence CTOF Donation Log
Additional Information Deposit Detail sheets will be posted in the Counter’s Room the following week.Deposit Detail sheets will be posted in the Counter’s Room the following week. Please ensure you put two calculator tapes in the bag.Please ensure you put two calculator tapes in the bag. Do not hold back checks that aren’t dated for that week. The bank is responsible for cashing checks at the determined time.Do not hold back checks that aren’t dated for that week. The bank is responsible for cashing checks at the determined time. Do not, under any circumstances, add last-minute money/checks to the bag.Do not, under any circumstances, add last-minute money/checks to the bag. Offerings MUST be monitored by 2 ushers from the time they are collected to the time they are secured in the safeOfferings MUST be monitored by 2 ushers from the time they are collected to the time they are secured in the safe
Integrity ~ Service ~ Excellence Anti-Robbery
Summary Once the training is complete, notify the Catholic Chaplain.
Integrity ~ Service ~ Excellence Questions?
Integrity ~ Service ~ Excellence