Introduction Don’t we just love to talk about ourselves or have others talk (good) about us? –After someone talks about himself, we’re not content to just listen but MUST tell them our story as well, possibly one that trumps theirs. –If it’s not about self then it is about someone we know: our children, our best friend, or someone popular (that we have some connection to). –Many – even in the Lord’s church – still have this insatiable desire.
Is this God’s desire for His creation?
We Love to Magnify Our Lives Biblical history illustrates this: –The people in Babel. Gen. 11:4 –Even the religious want to make a name for themselves. Matt. 23:2, 5-12; Acts 8:9-10 –We want to be appreciated or to be looked upon highly (for good or bad reasons).
It’s Not Wrong to Have a Good Name It is better than silver and gold. Prov. 22:1 God can make a name for us. Gen. 12:2; 2 Sam. 7:9 (2 Sam. 8:13) The problem is when we strive to magnify our own name: self exaltation. Jas. 4:6
Our Purpose: Magnify Our God There is no name under heaven greater than Jesus. Phil. 2:9-11 It is His name – not ours – that is to be proclaimed and magnified.
We need to have the mind of “less of self”
Attitude: Less of Self We have gone from people among men to “children of God”; from masters of own lives to slaves of righteousness. Rom. 6:17-18 No longer is it (life) all about me... It is about Jesus: name above all names. Phil. 2:9-11 Thus, we must humble ourselves so that Jesus is magnified as king of all kings. Rev. 17:4 We must look like, act like, think like servants...that people see God as Lord of heaven and earth. Acts 17:24
Conclusion We live in a society that has difficulty looking to our God through the life of a servant. Those who do, however, are promised to be highly exalted in due time.