1 My Journey From Zambia to the United Nation and Living with Poverty
2 Who am I My name is Quincy Mwiya and I am 29 years old My name is Quincy Mwiya and I am 29 years old I come from Africa and live in Zambia. I come from Africa and live in Zambia. I am a person with an Intellectual Disability. I am a person with an Intellectual Disability.
3 My Schooling I left school because the other students thought that I could not learn. I left school because the other students thought that I could not learn. I felt very offended because I new how important education was for me. I felt very offended because I new how important education was for me.
4 After Leaving School After leaving school I continued to live with my family. After leaving school I continued to live with my family. I was fortunate to go to a skills training school. I was fortunate to go to a skills training school. I trained in home management I trained in home management
5 MY first Job I got a contract job for one year with a large hotel in Zambia. I got a contract job for one year with a large hotel in Zambia. I then got another job with an NGO as a Restaurant Manager. I then got another job with an NGO as a Restaurant Manager. This meant that I had to leave home and live in another town. This meant that I had to leave home and live in another town.
6 Living in the Community Having a disability does not prevent us from living in the community. Having a disability does not prevent us from living in the community. We all need support from our family to learn the skills we need. We all need support from our family to learn the skills we need. We need the opportunity to live in the community with whom we wish to live. We need the opportunity to live in the community with whom we wish to live.
7 Poverty and Disability When we have a disability we seldom have an income like others. When we have a disability we seldom have an income like others. We may have to get help from Charities and others who give out aid. We may have to get help from Charities and others who give out aid. Many of us are totally reliant on our families, even we are adults. Many of us are totally reliant on our families, even we are adults.
8 Poverty can cause disability Poverty is a major cause of intellectual disability, especially in developing countries. Poverty is a major cause of intellectual disability, especially in developing countries. Our parents poor diet and lack of health care can lead to us being born with a disability Our parents poor diet and lack of health care can lead to us being born with a disability The environment can also cause us to be born with a disability The environment can also cause us to be born with a disability
9 Being Controlled When we live in poverty others control our lives. They decide how we will live. They may decide what food and clothes we cab buy or wear. When we live in poverty others control our lives. They decide how we will live. They may decide what food and clothes we cab buy or wear. This leads to segregation as we are no longer part of the mainstream of life. This leads to segregation as we are no longer part of the mainstream of life. It affects all the people around us as they all have to share our poverty with us. It affects all the people around us as they all have to share our poverty with us.