Money Matters Financial Support Team
This information is based on what we know for the 2012/13 entry The current system has only been confirmed for this year A quick disclaimer….. In past years loans and grants have been available so it is reasonable to presume they will be available when you go to uni.
14/10/2015 Charities Your Individual Funding Package Family Access to Learning Funds Wages Tuition Fee Loan Living Cost Loan / Grant Scholarships / Bursaries Sponsored by Employer
Loans Everyone can receive a loan to cover your Tuition Fee There is also a loan available to contribute towards Living Costs These are repayable, but only after you graduate and are earning above a set threshold There is also grant from the Government If you get this and how much depends on your family's income Grants – free money
Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) DSA’s are to help students with the extra costs incurred as a result of disability - Not dependant upon income. Access to Learning Fund Grants ALF is a discretionary grant, to help students in financial difficulty. It is a contribution towards unexpected living or course related costs - Income dependant
University Bursaries – free money! A bursary is the same as a grant, so you don't have to pay this money back. This is additional money offered by the University Part Time Work Opportunities Not only will a part-time job give you extra cash, it will also give you invaluable experience and confidence. The ‘Student Jobshop’ can help you find part time work during term time, vacations or placement.
Help and Support Budgeting: www: www: In person: at Level 3, Students Union
14/10/2015 © The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and Communications Finally…four things to remember A pply for all you can B udget realistically C ontact us if you get into difficulty D id you know that an average graduate earns £12,000 more than a non graduate each year ( source Office of National Statistics 2011 )
14/10/2015 © The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and
Thank you for listening 14/10/2015 © The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and Communications