CIC Start 2010 Agenda Where are we now Mission and Objectives CIC Data Integrated Dynamic Mapping CIC Survey CIC Invest Afternoon discussions
Where we are now As at 31 September 2009 there were 2,349 community interest companies limited by guarantee; 823 were limited by shares, 190 are exempt and 633 are subject to the dividend caps (roughly a fifth of the total number of CICs on the register) (Response to the consultation on the Dividend and interest Caps Jan10 Regulators office) As at 30 Nov CICs had dissolved (4.35%) and 5 had been liquidated (0.15%). 206 pre CIC companies are now registered as CIC (conversion rate of 6.27%) (Companies with an incorporation date before 1/8/2005 that are now registered as CIC have converted from another form. We do not know what the previous form was. Note this is a minimum rate as it does not include companies formed after 1/8/2005 which have converted to a CIC.)
Mission Our mission is to plant a flag in the ground, around which the CIC community can build the infrastructure needed. We aim to be a useful resource to our members, and a positive conduit in the further development of all things CIC. Connecting the CIC community will allow us to communicate to and receive info from all CICs, to build a single online marketplace from which to trade, attract investors, raise awareness levels and disseminate information and best practice. We will also deliver knowledge resources, create a structured PR strategy and reduce the wide ranging innocent mis-representation of the legislation.
Our Objectives 1. Be the representative body for all CICs in the UK 2. Seek views and opinions from members and other stakeholders and be proactive in tackling issues faced by CICs 3. Promote the business model and support its wider application 4. Work with the Regulator and Government to develop the legislation 5. Provide information and resources, to save time and money, to existing and potential CICs, and their stakeholders. 6. Act as an intermediary between CICs and the wider community 7. Act as a portal to secure funding and contracts to deliver outcomes on behalf of the community and work with existing CICs to supply delivery 8. Interact with and lobby policymakers, on issues such as Brand Awareness, Investment Issues and Tax Incentives
CIC Data
Regional/Local Authority Breakdown
Activity Breakdown
Sub Category breakdown - Education Sic(03)DescriptionCount 8010Primary education General secondary education Technical & vocational secondary Higher education6 8041Driving school activities2 8042Adult and other education238
Integrated Dynamic Mapping
Click on London
Potential to produce borough specific data
Click on Barnet
Dynamic Search results – We could search for CICs by a number of criteria, sector, turnover, seeking investment, seeking partnership, offering job opportunities etc
Can Integrate links to CIC Website and/or Data pages including information for commissioners etc
Gateway to local services Can integrate distribution of local information - training, business support, local authority contracting opportunities etc EG Click on Southwark for local business rate info or community groups
Rate relief Southwark Council Discretionary Relief The council has discretion to award additional relief to charities and non-profit making organisations. Charities or non-profit making organisations may also apply to the council for discretionary relief. To claim this reduction you will need to download and complete a discretionary relief application form (pdf 148Kb). In order to view this form you will need Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer. discretionary relief application formAdobe Acrobat You can also obtain a form from our customer service points or by telephoning It is important that you provide all of the supporting information and evidence with your application and the guidance notes below will help. Discretionary relief Discretionary relief can reduce your bills by up to 100 per cent of the charge. This could be either A 'top-up' of up to 20 per cent for organisations that have already been awarded the 80 per cent charity relief, or Varying relief for non-profit making organisations To qualify for this type of relief your organisation must meet one of the following criteria It must be a charity or not for profit organisation Its main objectives are charitable, philanthropic or religious or are concerned with education, social welfare, science, literature or the fine arts We will then consider your claim against our criteria. Generally, discretionary relief will be awarded for the whole of the financial year (April to March) unless your organisation is not liable for the whole period, or does not fulfil the criteria for the whole period. If you are awarded the relief we will periodically send a review form to confirm whether the organisation's circumstances have remained the same. It is essential that you report any changes of circumstances as they occur and not wait for the review form. Guidance notes If you wish to apply for mandatory and/or discretionary relief you should Check that your organisation fulfils the criteria Fully complete the application form Ensure that the form is signed Please return the form and the supporting evidence to The Business Rate Section Liberata UK Ltd (LB Southwark) P.O.Box 782 Bromley BR1 3YE An application will only be considered when you have fully completed the application form and provided supporting evidence. What to do while waiting for a decision If you have applied for a reduction you should continue to pay in line with your current bill. If it is then awarded, you will then be issued with a further bill and new payment instructions. This will take account of any payments you have already made. When we have made a decision When we have received your completed application form we will issue you with a letter of acknowledgement and verify the information provided. We may also arrange for one of our inspectors to visit the property. It may take up to 8 weeks to make a decision on your application. Once a decision has been made we will write to you to confirm this. Contact us
Southwark Community Groups Please select from the list below: AAWAZ - Southwark Asian Women's Association Advocacy Organisations Age Concern Southwark - Bermondsey Bengali Community Development Project Black Elderly Group Southwark Community Involvement and Development Unit (CIDU) South Bermondsey Partnership Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers Southwark Human Rights, Race and Equalities Bureau Southwark Irish Pensioners Project Stroke Care Time and Talents AssociationAAWAZ - Southwark Asian Women's Association Advocacy OrganisationsAge Concern Southwark - BermondseyBengali Community Development Project Black Elderly Group SouthwarkCommunity Involvement and Development Unit (CIDU)South Bermondsey PartnershipSouthwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers Southwark Human Rights, Race and Equalities Bureau Southwark Irish Pensioners ProjectStroke CareTime and Talents Association
CIC Survey
This information is for information purposes only and is not for redistribution without permission. Its designed to give an idea of the early data we are gathering from the community and is not representative. 137 respondents to % of respondents are from disability led CICs The proportion of CICs that are Male/Female or Equally led are roughly equal 60% respondents expect increased income, understandable as new starts grow 54% expect workforce to increase 65% of respondents are directly involved with another third sector organisation 37% of respondents work with people with disabilities or children 70% feel that the support on offer in general for small business is accessible and appropriate? 50% feel that the support on offer from Social Enterprise support organisations for CICs is accessible and appropriate? 80% rate the general public awareness of CIC at or less than 5% 94% feel not enough is being done to improve awareness and understanding of CICs? 80% would actively engage/contribute with the Associations development 53% of CICs know 3 or fewer other CICs The phonetic ‘See I See’ is 3 times as popular as ‘Kick’
Obstacles to your CIC
What would you like to see developed
CIC Invest CIC Bonds CIC Shares CIC Consortia Size and Spread of Market Investment Readiness Investor Expectations New Capital Inflows
Afternoon discussions Template How to Guides Integration and Awareness Social Impact Measurement Governance – Should we set up a CLG CIC? Online marketplace CIC Association revenue streams