RICE Staple food for over half the people in the world A native of Asia Arrived on the shores of North America in 1694 Thrives in tropical areas because of the warm, wet climate Fields are flooded to provide plants with moisture & to kill weeds & pests Needs an average temp of 70 degrees Inexpensive & can be made into lots of items Grown in more than 100 countries China & India are the top-producing countries Rice starch is the basis for face powders & used in baskets, mats, sandals, etc.
SOYBEANS Dicots (meaning a flowering plant with two seed leaves) The seeds are round & usually light yellow The plant can grow to be 2-5 feet high Originated in China & brought to the US in the 1800s US produces about 60% of the world’s soybeans Contains about 20% oil & 40% protein Two basic products are protein meal & oil Most of the oil is consumes as margarine, shortening, mayo, salad oils
Corn A grain that is tens of thousands of years old Native of Mexico as maize Prefers about 20 inches of rain a year Can be grown in three months & is second in world grain production One of our nation’s top agricultural products US produces about 36% of the world’s supply Can be found in more than 4,000 food & non-food products Leading source of sweetener Used to make industrial products like paint, paper, ceramics, & batteries About 50% of the corn crop is fed to livestock
WHEAT Cultivated & used for food for thousands of years Originated in Egypt Most popular grain for making bread Today the US is the largest producer of wheat While growing, wheat needs lots of sunshine & inches of water Planted in the fall & in the spring Remains dormant in the winter (sleeps) World’s most widely-grown grain because over 1/7 of all farmland is used for planting wheat King of Grains