NASA, NSIDC and NASCAR Presented by: Ellen Falk North Salem Middle High School
NASA President Dwight D. Eisenhower established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in 1958, partially in response to the Soviet Union's launch of the first artificial satellite the previous year. NASA grew out of the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA), which had been researching flight technology for more than 40 years.National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics
NASA FOR EDUCATORS It all starts here: – Sample- math and science-vomit comet - dscience/exploration/index.htmlhttp:// dscience/exploration/index.html EXPLORING SPACE THROUGH MATH SERIES – gmath/home/index.html gmath/home/index.html
CONNECT TO 5 e’S Bone Density Example – oringmath/algebra1/ ml oringmath/algebra1/ ml – Educator guide- Educator guide- – Video Video – Student Activity Student Activity
OTHER NASASOURCES Space Math – Dr.Sten Odenwald – Launching point to the home site Tons of information. – Educator Guide – Space Math VII – nav/materials/listbytype/Space_Math_VII.html nav/materials/listbytype/Space_Math_VII.html
Excellent Source for YOUR journey. – NEON NEON Create your own account Have access to experts- LIVE! Increase your knowledge base
National Snow and Ice Data Center
What questions would YOU ask?
Data in Context Figure 3. Monthly September ice extent for 1979 to 2013 shows a decline of 13.7% per decade. Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center High-resolution image High-resolution image September average sea ice extent for 2013 was the sixth lowest in the satellite record. The 2012 September extent was 32% lower than this year’s extent, while the 1981 to 2010 average was 22% higher than this year’s extent. Through 2013, the September linear rate of decline is 13.7% per decade relative to the 1981 to 2010 average.
Interactive Graph
How to get the Data Go to Data – Easy To Use Data Products Sea Ice Index Select FTP Save data as a TEXT file. Use MS Excel to open
Sample Data- September Sea Ice Extent yearmodata_typeregionextentarea 19799GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN GoddardN
Linear Regression
PBS Learning Media Free Resource for teachers – Changed from Teacher’s Domain (oct 17 th ) – All my resources were deleted. ;( – Working on contacting PBS – k/math-modeling/ k/math-modeling/
NASCAR Home site How the “Chase” began 101 The Tracks – The Logos on the cars – racing/nascar/nascar-basics/nascar-sponsorship2.htm racing/nascar/nascar-basics/nascar-sponsorship2.htm
External Sources
The End! Motivations for student and teacher-Tired of boring textbook problems? Real and Relevant-How can you connect it to CCLS? Math has meaning-Why am I learning this? Curiosity and Motivation