 Part of multi type test spearheaded by Lincoln Trails Library System assisted by an ISL LSTA grant  Began almost two years ago, CARLI Libraries saw.


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Presentation transcript:

 Part of multi type test spearheaded by Lincoln Trails Library System assisted by an ISL LSTA grant  Began almost two years ago, CARLI Libraries saw delays as OCLC had problem working with our implementation of Voyager  OCLC assigned team to work with us October 2008  Lots of progress in four months since then but first a little about WCL

 One stop shopping: bridge from local to world of library holdings while keeping local branding and scoping  FRBRized records  Web 2.0 services: images, reviews, lists….  Article citations loaded will link back to full text if local full text available  OCLC negotiated Vendor record load (prohibited)  Power of WorldCat with access to 1.5 billion holdings

 WorldCat search with Voyager ◦ Repeat search and bring back availability ◦ UIUC and I-Share and replicate I-Share experience  Mapping to locations and statuses  Offering links to full text source based on availability (still work in progress)  Seamless requesting ILL options UIUC, I-Share World Cat  ILLiad links now work  SFX ebooks  SFX links journal articles but not always to article (requires look up)

 Performance (time outs and slowness)  Unstable at times  SFX links (note kept Discover button for all I- Share as default)  Complete record and holdings in OCLC WorldCat required, loaded, right formats, maintain holdings  Voyager 7.0 looming which means changes

 No release to public: only usability testing planned for this semester  User testing part of the LSTA grant  Ask to remain as test through Voyager 7.0 changes and while we work with SFX and update holdings  Review again one year  Examples follow

WorldCat Local – Intro Search page

 WorldCat Local – Journal record

WorldCat Local – UIUC Book to UIUC request

WorldCat Local – UIUC Book availability to request (via I-Share) Note the citation aids

WorldCat Local – UIUC Book availability, request is done on I-Share

WorldCat Local –Web 2.0 enhancements

WorldCat Local – Titles not at UIUC I share owned Not I- share

WorldCat Local – Titles not at UIUC I-Share only

WorldCat Local – Titles not at UIUC-ILLiad link