IS OUR PROFESSION KOSMAK Machine Industry Ltd. Co. CABLE BLOWING IS OUR PROFESSION KOSMAK Machine Industry Ltd. Co. is the exclusive authorized producer and vendor of fibre optic cable blowing machine (FOK) in Turkey. KÖSMAK Co. has patent (NO:TR 2007 01074 Y) for special FOK design. All subcontractors of TURK TELECOM,TURKCELL and VODAFONE uses FOK in TURKEY. We improve our FOK with feedbacks from FOK users. We make it more usefull for our customers SINCE 1999. We sell FOK some foreign countries; Iraq,Georgia,Libya,Kazakhstan,Romain,etc. More less 3000 km fibre optic cable installed with our FOK in last project named TELLCOM in Turkey. We want to share our FOK with all over the world.
SPECIFICATION OF MACHINE Cable blowing machine (FOK) takes air from compressor then canalizes air into pre-installed ducts also to air motors and to compression piston of palettes.Air motors runs by the compressed air.Air motors turns special palettes of FOK.Palettes compresses fiber optic cable by compression piston.Fibre optic cable installs into pre-installed ducts by palettes.Air compressiion is very important thing to install cable, because compressed air in pre-installed ducts reduces friction between fibre optic cable and ducts.The other importand thing is pre-installed ducts.İf your ducts are plugged you can never install fiber optic cable what ever you do.if your ducts installed well and if your air compression is enough you can install fibre optic cable with our FOK much more then 1500 metre at ones. TECHNICAL PROPERTIES FOK : Cable blowing machine CONTROL : By technician NEEDED AIR : 10.5 bar 12 m³/min. AIR ENGINE : Double effective, 740 watt (2 pieces) NEEDED AIR FOR ENGINES : 6 Bar-1.6m³/min. CABLE İNSTALLİNG VELOCITY : 0, 30, 50m/min. LAY DOWN POWER : 80~85 Kg. CABLE DIAMETOR TO LAY DOWN : 9mm ~ 22 mm (able to regulate 9mm-14mm or 14-22) DIMENSIONS (width x lenght x height) : 365mm x 330mm x 540mm WEIGHT :46kg
You can install your cable in muddy fields with our speacial designed palettes.Cable blowing power will not become less. Pneumatic press system don’t let cable to skid and damage. Special designed exit box supplies productive guiding for pressure air into pre-installed duct. You can designate cable installing speed and direction with control valve. This festo lubriacnt system takes off moisture of pressured air which comes from compressor and supplies continous lubricate for air motors. You can send oil (Lubricom-f) into pre-installed duct with this shock lubrication system to reduce friction between duct and cable. Your installing power never become less with two air motors.
REFERENCES CONTACT TÜRK TELECOM Phone: 0312 555 14 72 BS TELECOM ( foreign trade ) Mobile Phone:0090532 764 03 66 SULTAN DEKO (foreign trade IRAQ) Phone: 0090 535 399 18 82 PRİME TELECOM (ROMAIN) Phone: 0040 254 214 777 Fax: 0040 727 199 822 Sİ-NET Phone: 0090 312 417 04 00 SERDEM ELECTRICITY Phone: 0090 262 659 12 GTS TELECOM Phone: 0090 216 464 19 38 Fax: 0090 216 463 23 13 HES FIBEL Phone: 0090 352 442 25 40 Mobile Phone: 0090532 442 16 50 DEKA DIGITAL Phone: 0090 232 436 47 47 Fax: 0090 232 436 11 12 EKATI BUILDING Phone: 0532 464 77 33 Fax: 0212 275 19 27 AEB ELECTRICITY ELECTRONICS Phone: 0090232 4723050 SAKARYA BIRTEL Phone: 0284 235 18 27 Fax: 0284 235 45 91 ERTAŞ BUILDING Phone: 0090 533 302 23 56 SİNCE ENGINEERING Phone: 0090 532 777 11 53 STEK TELECOM Phone: 0090 212 351 95 57 DRAKA KOMTEK KABLO Phone: 0090 538 647 61 28 ELTES BUILDING Phone: 0090 222 230 91 30 ELTAP ENGINEERING Phone: 0090 533 581 66 52 CONTACT ADDRESS : Küçük Körfez Sanayi Sitesi 201 Blok No:4 -6-8 İZMİT/KOCAELİ/ TURKEY PHONE :+90 262 335 24 00 MOBİL PHONE : 0541 389 51 41 FAX. :+90 262 335 24 15 e-mail : web :