1 Welcome to chem. 191B
2 ITEMREQUIREMENTDEADLINENotesPercentage of your grade 1 Attend 80% of the seminar talks given in the Spring semester at all three schools (Pomona, HMC, and Joint Sciences). FIRST SEMINAR: Jan 20: Fran Stephens (Los HMC at 11am “Chemical Hydrogen Storage”. You will need to attend and sign a book that one of the Pomona faculty will have that day in the seminar. A schedule of the Spring semester talks will be given to you at the beginning of the semester or earlier for you to plan your schedule. 10% 2Spending time in the lab doing research.You are expected to spend two afternoons per week (or the equivalent) conducting your research. Keeping a journal of your work and time spent in the lab, as well as maintaining an open communication with your research advisor is imperative to meet this criterion. 3Unbound submission of your thesis to your readers for feedback. Monday, April 13, 2009Your readers will give you feedback with enough time for you to incorporate the revisions for your final submission. Please print two copies. 55% 4Bound copy of your written thesis. The written thesis should follow ACS guidelines and for referencing the usage of EndNote. Friday, April 24, 2009There is a stipend for photocopying. A bound copy goes to the Chemistry Department. Usually each reader gets a complementary copy of your thesis. 15% 5 * Oral presentations: DAY 1: Thursday, April 30, 2009 DAY 2: Friday, May 1, 2009 April 30 and May 1, 2009.Your grade will depend on the clarity, organization and manner you handle/pose questions during your talk. Practice with friends is highly recommended. 20% 100%
3 Chem. 191B Name of Student_________________________________ SCHEDULE OF STUDENT 8-9 AM 9-10 AM 10-11AM AM NOON 1-2 PM 2-3 PM 3-4 PM 4-5 PM MONADY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY
4 TUESSDAY THURSDAY 8-9 AM 9-10 AM AM AM NOON 1-2 PM 2-3 PM 3-4 PM 4-5 PM I am trying to find out times in which staff from the Claremont Colleges Libraries can meet with you as a group and teach Refworks and other items that might be useful.Refworks