Who is Mrs. Porter? 13th year at NMS B.S. in Business Administration Masters in Education from Holy Family University Reading Specialist Certification Fusion Team Leader
Mission statement for NMS Reading Program To develop not only young adults who can read, but also young adults who do read: life-long, active, critical readers.
What are the components of reading class? Study Skills (once a marking period) Short Stories (Glencoe Anthology) Word Study (aka Spelling) Readers’ Workshop
What are the goals? To become an organized student To enhance cooperative learning skills To critically read a piece of literature To be able to identify literary elements in self-selected novel
How will my child be successful in Reading class this year? Keeping an organized binder Seek help when needed Do homework Hand in all assignments on time Participate in class discussions
What is the homework policy? Homework is given approximately 4 nights a week. No credit for late homework as we review the homework in class the next day They get 3 missing homework a marking period before grade is impacted
How will my child be assessed? Story Tests: announced approx. a week in advance Quizzes: either announced or unannounced Homework Class work/participation Journal entries Book projects – once a marking period
How will I know my child’s progress? Check the HAC on our website Interims are handed out halfway through every marking period. Report Cards
What if my child is absent? Students will need to see me the next day during RA to check on missed assignments. Make up work will need to be completed within an appropriate amount of time. If student is absent for more than 3 days upon parent request work will be available in the front office.
Where can my child go for additional help in reading? RA period any day Clinic on Thursdays after school Monday RA periods are devoted to Reading clinics. Take home the Glencoe Anthology book before a short story test
How can you reach me? is best: Leave message I will do my best to contact you within 24 hours.
Thanks for coming!!! Any questions?? I look forward to an exciting school year!