My Geographical World Anukaq
Me I Live in Qaanaaq, in northern Greenland. I live with my mum-my dad is nearly always away hunting. I go to school. There are 165 people at my school and 18 teachers.
Qaanaaq-my community Qaanaaq is home to 650 people, mostly Inuits, like me. There is a small library, open once or twice a week. There is a gym which is free, and local radio. My school There are no jobs apart from hunting, fishing and teaching
Greenland Greenland is owned by Denmark. It became semi-independent in Denmark is in charge of defence and foreign policy 56,000 people live in Greenland. Greenland is a member of the European Union
Global Impact global warmingBecause of global warming some of the Ice caps are melting, affecting the wildlife we hunt. If it continues then the wildlife might die out. We get some Tourists here, and they stay in the Hotel Qaanaaq. If the wildlife go then the tourists might stop coming