Medical Workforce Fremantle Hospital and Health Service Delivering a Healthy WA
Addressing Criteria
Useful Links: Equal Opportunity Commission: Disability Services Commission: Occupational Safety and Health: _and_health/osh.html _and_health/osh.html Aboriginal Cultural Respect Framework: espect_Implementation_Framework.pdf
Top 5 Tips for Addressing Criteria Keep it brief – this is a way of determining your communication skills. Be relevant and factual. Political responses aren’t enough. Be positive. Sell yourself and your skills and make the panel want to work with you. Use Headings – they are already provided and make it easier to measure against a criteria. Pull the words from the “Duties” page and incorporate them in your answers.
Response Model 1 STAR – Situation, Technique, Action, Result Situation - Describe a specific event or situation, and provide enough detail for the interviewer to understand. It can be from a previous job, a volunteer experience, or any other relevant experience. Task - Describe the task, project or objective you had to complete. Action - Describe the actions YOU took to complete the task, project or objective. Be sure to keep the focus on you, even if you are discussing a group project or effort. Result - Describe the outcome; what happened; what you accomplished; what you learned.
Example of a response model SAO – Situation, Action, Outcome Situation - Where and when did you do the task? Action - What did you do? How did you do it? Outcome - What was the result of your action? If a page limit is identified, stick to it. It’s about what the panel wants, and not what you want to present.
What to avoid….. Do not use peoples names in responses, use their title if appropriate. Outcomes should be positive, not negative. Maintain patient confidentiality. You may be asked to expand on these examples in the assessment process – make sure you are factual and comfortable with the example, or don’t use it.