Introduction to Semiotic Understanding: Semi-what?
Semiotics The study of signs, their meanings, and how they affect the social world How we interpret the messages that we receive through the world
Early Signs: petroglyphs
Early Signs: Sumer Tokens 8000bce
Early Signs: Pictographic Writing Middle East Africa/Egypt
Early Signs: Mayan Calendar 3372bce
Early Signs: Hieroglyphics petroglyph? pecked picture hieroglyph? planned story
Early Signs: Egypt Hieratic Writing 2600bce
More Early Signs papyrus used 2060 code of law written 2000 Gilgamesh first written legend 1700 Hammurabi written on stone
Alphabet? 1700 bce in Canaan 1300 cuneiform symbols 1200 Phoenician (no vowels) 1000 writing used in Near East 900 spreads to continent 800 Greeks add vowels 150 Hebrew alphabet
The Rosetta Stone 196 bce multilingual stone hieroglyphs hieratic script Greek decree of Ptolemy
Theory 1: Ferdinand de Saussure Late 1800’s Swiss theorist Recognized the connection between the form a sign takes and the concept that it represents
Signified/Signifier Signified Signifier Concept Form
A bit more complicated…
Theory 2: Charles Sanders Peirce Late 1800’s American Believed people were important to understanding signs
According to Peirce, meaning comes from... representamen: the form a sign takes interpretant: not interpreter, but the sense made of the sign (the sign in the mind of the interpreter) object: the thing to which the sign belongs
Sense Referent: what it stands for Sign Vehicle
Sign types (what's your sign?) symbolic: arbitrary. must be learned icon/iconic: resemble or imitated signified index: not arbitrary. directly connected so that it can be inferred
your task: In pairs, you need to name an example of a symbolic, an iconic, and an index type.