Classification U.K.India U.S.A.Kenya Australia Brazil
Key questions: What is meant by development? What is the difference between economic, social and cultural development? What are the main economic and social measures that can be used?
What is development and how is it measured? Think about how you classified the countries. What is meant by development?
What is development? As a result of the Brandt report in 1980, an imaginary line was drawn on world maps. This line divides countries into: MEDCs (More economically developed countries) LEDCs (Less economically developed countries)
What is development? Different terms and definitions have been used to describe development. Some countries have grater economic wealth and a higher quality of life than others. But even if economic development is weak, countries can show great social and cultural development.
What is the difference between economic, social and cultural development? Economic development is associated with money and employment. It can be measured using indicators such as: GDP (Gross domestic product) or GNP (Gross national product) Employment structures
What is the difference between economic, social and cultural development? Social development refers the way people are living in a country and how the population is changing. It can be shown by indicators such as: Health care (Infant mortality rate) and (Life expectancy) Population change (Birth rate and death rate)
What is the difference between economic, social and cultural development? Cultural development is a lot more difficult to measure because it includes the works of art, music and traditions of a group of people.
Match the heads to the tails: Economic development Social development Cultural development refers to works of art, music, customs and religious aspects that people have. This aspect is more difficult to measure. refers to the wealth of a community. This can be measured by economic indicators such as average income or home ownership. refers to the way people live, such as their health care or changes in the population. E.g. Birth rates.
What are the main economic and social measures that can be used? Rank the indicators in a list. 1 what you think is the best indicator of development, 8 is the worst. Explain in detail why you have decided on this order.
Geo-bingo Life expectancy Infant mortality rate Economic Cultural Social Brandt GDP (Gross domestic product) Birth rate Death rate % primary employment % tertiary employment Doctor/patient ratio UK Kenya