Comm W. Suo Slide 1
Comm W. Suo Slide 2 Diversification Random selection The effect of diversification Markowitz diversification What information are needed? How to simplify the approach?
Comm W. Suo Slide 3 Linear Regression Review Properties R-square Example spreadsheet
Comm W. Suo Slide 4 Advantages: Reduces the number of inputs for diversification Easier for security analysts to specialize Drawback: the simple dichotomy rules out important risk sources (such as industry events) The Single Index Model
Comm W. Suo Slide 5 ß i = index of a security’s particular return to the factor F= some macro factor; in this case F is unanticipated movement; F is commonly related to security returns Single Factor Model Assumption: a broad market index like the S&P500 is the common factor
Comm W. Suo Slide 6 Single Index Model a i = stock’s expected return if market’s excess return is zero b i (r M -r i ) = the component of return due to market movements e i = the component of return due to unexpected firm- specific events
Comm W. Suo Slide 7 Let: R i = (r i - r f ) R m = (r m - r f ) Risk premium format R i = α i + ß i R m + e i Risk Premium Format
Comm W. Suo Slide 8 Market or systematic risk: risk related to the macro economic factor or market index Unsystematic or firm specific risk: risk not related to the macro factor or market index Total risk = Systematic + Unsystematic Components of Risk
Comm W. Suo Slide 9 i 2 = total variance i 2 m 2 = systematic variance 2 (e i ) = unsystematic variance Measuring Components of Risk
Comm W. Suo Slide 10 Total Risk = Systematic +Unsystematic Examining Percentage of Variance
Comm W. Suo Slide 11 Security Characteristic Line Excess Returns (i) SCL Excess returns on market index R i = i + ß i R m + e i
Comm W. Suo Slide 12 Index Model Spreadsheet example
Comm W. Suo Slide 13 Index Model and Diversification No. of Securities St. Deviation Market Risk Unique Risk 2 (e P )= 2 (e) / n P2M2P2M2
Comm W. Suo Slide 14 Industry Prediction of Beta BMO Nesbitt Burns and Merrill Lynch examples BMO NB uses returns not risk premiums a has a different interpretation: a + r f (1-b) Merill Lynch’s ‘adjusted b’ Forecasting beta as a function of past beta Forecasting beta as a function of firm size, growth, leverage etc.
Comm W. Suo Slide 15 Tests of the Single Factor Model Tests of the expected return beta relationship First Pass Regression Estimate beta, average risk premiums and unsystematic risk Second Pass: Using estimates from the first pass to determine if model is supported by the data Most tests do not generally support the single factor model
Comm W. Suo Slide 16 Single Factor Test Results Return % Beta Predicted Actual
Comm W. Suo Slide 17 Roll’s Criticism on the Tests The only testable hypothesis: the mean-variance efficiency of the market portfolio All other implications are not independently testable CAPM is not testable unless we use the true market portfolio The benchmark error
Comm W. Suo Slide 18 Measurement Error in Beta Statistical property: If beta is measured with error in the first stage, Second stage results will be biased in the direction the tests have supported Test results could result from measurement error
Comm W. Suo Slide 19 Conclusions on the Tests’ Results Tests proved that CAPM seems qualitatively correct Rates of return are linear and increase with beta Returns are not affected by nonsystematic risk But they do not entirely validate its quantitative predictions The expected return-beta relationship is not fully consistent with empirical observation.
Comm W. Suo Slide 20 Multifactor Models Use factors in addition to market return Examples include industrial production, expected inflation etc. Estimate a beta for each factor using multiple regression Chen, Roll and Ross Returns a function of several macroeconomic and bond market variables instead of market returns Fama and French Returns a function of size and book-to-market value as well as market returns
Comm W. Suo Slide 21 Researchers’ Responses to Fama and French Utilize better econometric techniques Improve estimates of beta Reconsider the theoretical sources and implications of the Fama and French-type results Return to the single-index model, accounting for non-traded assets and cyclical behavior of betas
Comm W. Suo Slide 22 Jaganathan and Wang Study (1996) Included factors for cyclical behavior of betas and human capital When these factors were included the results showed returns were a function of beta Size is not an important factor when cyclical behavior and human capital are included