Welcome to AR355: Processing Interfund Transactions
Please set cell phones and pagers to silent Refrain from side discussions. We all want to hear what you have to say! Feel free to ask questions. If your question is off-topic or will be discussed later in the training course, we will write it on a flip chart (parking lot) to be sure we cover it later Two breaks and a one hour lunch are planned Bathrooms / Snacks First Things First Welcome
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Training Materials Overview
Produced in Microsoft Word Contains key concepts, processes, and task information required to complete a user’s role in SMART Process flows and screenshots of the SMART system are included This is a great reference to use after training! Training Materials Overview Participant Guide
Used to help the Trainer facilitate the course materials Produced in Microsoft PowerPoint Contains key content and graphics Generally used at the beginning or end of each Lesson Training Materials Overview Concept Slides
Used to present the flow of either business processes or information within SMART Training Materials Overview Business Process Flows
Produced in Microsoft Word Contains a scenario for each activity completed in the training database Provides data that you must enter for the exercise Organized by classrooms and users Take note of the user ID assigned to you Training Materials Overview Activity Guide
Demonstration – instructor only (hands off) Walkthrough – instructor leads and participants complete exercise with instructor (hands on) Exercise – Participants complete on their own Challenge – Participants complete on their own Training Materials Overview Activity Types
An online help tool that contains user procedures for completing tasks in SMART Used in training to perform a simulation of a SMART task or to be used during an activity as a help guide UPKs are also available after training on the SMART Training website UPKs are simulated to have the look and feel of SMART, but do not impact the production environment. It is a safe way to practice tasks that you perform in SMART. Training Materials Overview User Productivity Kits (UPKs)
A short document that contains key concepts or steps involved in a course Can be content or system related Available for all participants to use during training Used after training for quick reference from the Training Portion of the SMART website Referenced as often as possible during training to indicate the “handiness” of the material Training Materials Overview Job Aids
Are conducted using the SurveyMonkey tool Please complete a course evaluations for each new course that you attend Trainers also complete a course evaluation at the end of each class Training Materials Overview Course Evaluations
Training Materials Overview Questions
Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: Describe the Interfund process Navigate to and use Interfund pages Enter, link, and update Interfund transactions Approve and manage Interfund transactions
Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Describe Interfund transactions and the benefits of Interfund processing in SMART Explain key terms associated with Interfund processing List the roles involved in Interfund processing and the tasks performed by each role Explain the end-to-end Interfund process Describe the changes between State of Kansas Interactive Internet Interfunds (SOKI) and Interfund processing in SMART Lesson 1: Understanding Interfund Processing
Key Terms Interfund – The expense and revenue transactions between and within state agencies Initiating – The beginning or first of two transactions that make up an Interfund Reciprocating – The responding or second of two transactions that make up an Interfund Deposit Types – A category that describes the nature of the deposit transaction I (Initiating) – Use this deposit type when there is not a matching voucher. This deposit is the first transaction for the Interfund. R (Reciprocating) – Use this deposit type when a matching voucher with origin “I” exists. This deposit is the second transaction for the Interfund. Lesson 1: Understanding Interfund Processing
Key Terms Voucher Origin – A value used to identify the source of a voucher. In this case, the source is Interfund transactions. I (Initiating) – This origin is used when there is not a matching deposit. This voucher is the first transaction for the Interfund. R (Reciprocating) –This origin is used when a matching deposit with deposit type “I” exists. This voucher is the second transaction for the Interfund. Lesson 1: Understanding Interfund Processing
End to End Interfund Process Flow Lesson 1: Understanding Interfund Processing
Interfund Processing Roles TypeDescription AR Interfund Processor This role will be responsible for entering and updating Interfund deposits, correcting Interfund deposit errors, and managing Interfund comments. This role will also delete the deposit associated with an Interfund transaction, as needed, but not the Interfund transaction record. AR Interfund Approver This role will be responsible for approving Interfund deposits. This role will also delete Interfund transaction records, as needed, after the corresponding transactions (deposit and voucher) have been deleted. AP Interfund Processor This role will be responsible for entering and updating Interfund vouchers, correcting Interfund voucher errors, and managing Interfund comments. AP Interfund Approver This role will be responsible for approving Interfund vouchers. This role will also delete Interfund transaction records, as needed, after the corresponding transactions (deposit and voucher) have been deleted. Lesson 1: Understanding Interfund Processing
Cross-map of Interfund Processing SOKISMART RevenueDeposit ExpenseVoucher Terms Roles SOKISMART Interfund Entry AR Interfund Processor AP Interfund Processor Interfund Approval AR Interfund Approver AP Interfund Approver Interfund Release Not Applicable. Interfunds can be viewed by both agencies during the entire Interfund process in SMART. Lesson 1: Understanding Interfund Processing
Process Changes Lesson 1: Understanding Interfund Processing The Division of Accounts and Reports (A&R) does not need to approve Interfund transactions. A&R audits Interfund transaction after completion. Interfund vouchers are released through pay cycle processing without the need for a check or electronic file To place an order in SMART, initiate voucher side of Interfund and include notes in the comments section In SMART, each side of an Interfund transaction is visible on the Interfund page to both Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable when it is entered. In SOKI, the transactions needed to be released before both sides could view the entire Interfund transaction.
Lesson Summary The key terms associated with Interfund processing in SMART The business processes of Interfund processing within SMART The roles and tasks that interact with Interfund processing within SMART In this lesson, you learned the: Lesson 1: Understanding Interfund Processing
Questions Lesson 1: Understanding Interfund Processing
Lesson 2
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Search for an Interfund transaction Navigate the Interfund page Lesson 2: Basic Interfund Activities
Using the Interfund Details Search Page Interfund Details search page – Provides key fields to search for an Interfund, Interfund Deposit, or Interfund Voucher Interfund ID – A system generated value that ties the deposit and voucher together. Agencies will not be able to enter their own Interfund ID or edit the system-generated value. Use the Find an Existing Value button to search for an existing deposit or voucher before entering a reciprocating Interfund transaction Use the Add a New Value button to generate an Interfund ID and open the Interfund page Lesson 2: Basic Interfund Activities
We will now complete a walkthrough using a UPK simulation: Using the Interfund Details Search Page. Lesson 2: Basic Interfund Activities
Navigating the Interfund Details Page Interfund ID – Identifies the unique value assigned to the Interfund record located at the top of the page Delete button – Used to delete the Interfund record, located at the top of the page Note: An Interfund cannot be deleted until both the associated deposit and the voucher are removed. Notify button – Used to send notifications to Interfund contacts for the deposit and voucher Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable transaction section - Used to add, view, and approve deposit/voucher information Comments – Provide relevant information regarding the Interfund Lesson 2: Basic Interfund Activities
We will now complete a walkthrough using a UPK simulation: Navigating the Interfund Page. Lesson 2: Basic Interfund Activities
We will now complete Activity 1: Using the Interfund Details Search Page in your Activity Guide. Lesson 2: Basic Interfund Activities
Lesson Summary Search for an Interfund Navigate the Interfund page In this lesson, you learned how to: Lesson 2: Basic Interfund Activities
Questions Lesson 2: Basic Interfund Activities
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Add and update the deposit part of an Interfund transaction Add and update the voucher part of an Interfund transaction Search for and find an existing Interfund deposit Search for and find an existing Interfund voucher Link a deposit to an Interfund transaction Link a voucher to an Interfund transaction Delete an Interfund transaction Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
Adding Initiating Interfunds Deposits Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions Note: Interfund vouchers are pre-approved (on the regular voucher entry page) and do not go through workflow. They are only approved using the Interfund page.
We will now complete Activity 2: Adding Initiating Interfund Deposits in your Activity Guide. Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
Adding Reciprocating Interfunds Deposits Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
We will now complete Activity 3: Adding Reciprocating Interfund Deposits in your Activity Guide. Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
We will now complete Activity 4: Linking Existing Interfund Deposits in your Activity Guide. Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
We will now complete Activity 5: Adding and Linking Existing Interfund Deposits in your Activity Guide. Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
Adding Initiating Interfunds Vouchers Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
We will now complete an Activity 6: Adding Initiating Interfund Vouchers in your Activity Guide. Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
Adding Reciprocating Interfunds Vouchers Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
We will now complete Activity 7: Adding Reciprocating Interfund Vouchers in your Activity Guide. Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
We will now complete Activity 8: Linking Existing Interfund Vouchers in your Activity Guide. Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
We will now complete Activity 9: Adding and Linking Existing Interfund Vouchers in your Activity Guide. Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
Deleting Interfunds The Interfund transaction can only be deleted after both the deposit and voucher have been removed from the Interfund transaction. Remove the Interfund deposit from the Interfund transaction. This can be done by an AR Interfund Processor or an AR Interfund Approver. Remove the Interfund voucher from the Interfund transaction. This can be done by an AP Interfund Processor or an AR Interfund Approver. You should also delete/cancel the deposit and voucher records from the voucher and deposit pages, as necessary Only an AP Interfund Approver or an AR Interfund Approver should delete the Interfund transaction record Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
We will now complete Activity 10: Deleting Interfunds in your Activity Guide. Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
We will now complete Activity 11: Adding and Deleting Interfunds in your Activity Guide. Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
Lesson Summary Add and update the deposit and voucher of an Interfund transaction Search for and find an existing Interfund deposit and Interfund Voucher Link a deposit and a voucher to an Interfund transaction Delete an Interfund In this lesson, you learned how to: Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
Questions Lesson 3: Adding and Linking Interfund Transactions
Lesson 4
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Approve an Interfund deposit Approve an Interfund voucher Notify agencies and individuals about an Interfund transaction Identify and resolve Interfund errors Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
Approving Interfunds Interfund Approvers are notified by Interfund Processor when an Interfund deposit or voucher is ready for approval. Notifications can occur by: o A manual process that occurs outside of SMART (For example, agency or phone call) o The Notify button and manually adding the AR Interfund Approver’s in the To: or CC: lines on the Send Notification page Interfund Approvers access the Interfund page, review the details of the Interfund transaction, and verify that the amount of the deposit is accurate Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
Approving Interfunds (cont.) Interfund Approvers select the Approved radio button in the Interfund Approval section of the Interfund page and save the changes. This approves the Interfund deposit or voucher for the Interfund transaction. o If this is the first of two approvals, SMART does not require the Interfund voucher to be added or for the voucher and deposit amount to match, but you will receive a warning message. o If this is the second of two approvals, SMART requires the Interfund voucher to be approved and for the voucher and deposit amount to match. You will not be able to save the approval if the amounts do not match. Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
We will now complete a walkthrough using a UPK simulation: Approving Interfund Deposits. Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
We will now complete a walkthrough using a UPK simulation: Approving Interfund Vouchers. Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
Sending Interfund Notifications Use the Contact Information link to lookup and select the desired contact(s) for deposit and voucher Interfund notifications Contact information for notifications is set up on the vendor and customer pages Each customer/vendor can have multiple contacts o Use the Select checkboxes on the Contact Information page to choose one or more contacts to receive the Interfund notification. The address for the contact can be an individual or generic address (distribution list). o Selected contact addresses are automatically populated into the To: field on the Send Notification page. Open this page by clicking the Notify button on the Interfund Details page. Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
Sending Interfund Notifications (cont.) When required, you can manually add additional s to the Interfund notification using the To: and CC: fields on the Send Notification page. Separate s using a semicolon (;). For example: To: Note: addresses are not validated in SMART or Microsoft Customers are maintained by each agency while vendors are maintained centrally. Therefore, agencies can update customer contact information but must contact Central to request updates to vendor contact information. Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
We will now complete Activity 12: Sending Interfund Notifications in your Activity Guide. Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
Handling Interfund Errors - Vouchers If voucher budget check status = Error (E), Interfund voucher corrections must be performed before processing can continue When making updates to an Interfund voucher, the approval status on the Interfund page must be “Not Approved” Changes to the Interfund voucher are made on the voucher transaction pages, not the Interfund page. The “Update” link on the Interfund page takes you to the linked voucher transaction. After updating and saving the changes to the Interfund voucher, the AP Interfund Approver must reapprove the Interfund transaction before voucher budget check can run again and Interfund processing can continue Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
Handling Interfund Errors - Deposits When making updates to an Interfund deposit, the approval status on the Interfund page must be “Not Approved” Changes to the Interfund deposit are made on the deposit transaction pages, not the Interfund page. The “Update” link on the Interfund page takes you to the linked deposit transaction. After updating and saving the changes to the Interfund deposit, the AR Interfund Approver must reapprove the Interfund transaction before Interfund processing can continue Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
We will now complete Activity 13: Handling Interfund Errors in your Activity Guide. Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
We will now complete Activity 14: Approving Interfund Deposits and Vouchers in your Activity Guide. Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
Lesson Summary Approve an Interfund deposit and Interfund Vouchers Notify agencies and individuals about an Interfund transaction Identify and resolve Interfund errors In this lesson, you learned how to: Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
Questions Lesson 4: Approving and Managing Interfunds
Closing the Day
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