Created by Rachel Murphy and Lori Christiansen
How to Create and Manage Key Features of Outlook 2007 Outlook 2007 Overview Create and Manage Folders Create and Manage Contacts Distribution Lists Signature Calendar Features
Overview of Outlook 2007 Use the Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks bars to navigate through Outlook You can shrink this bar down to just icons if you prefer. Also, notice the To-Do Bar. View- Todo Bar to open and close
Create and Manage Folders Click File, New, and Folder to create a new folder, or right click on the inbox. Type in a name for your folder.
Create and Manage Folders The new folder will appear as a sub-folder under your Inbox. To save an in your new folder, click and drag the to the folder. The will now appear in your new folder when you click on it.
Create an inbox “RULE” 1. Open the folder that contains the message. 2. Right-click the message you want to base a rule (rule: One or more automatic actions taken on messages and meeting requests that meet certain conditions, along with any exceptions to those conditions. Rules are also referred to as filters.) on. 3. Click Create Rule. 4. In the Create Rule dialog box, select the conditions and actions you want to apply. 5. To add more conditions, actions, or exceptions to the rule, click Advanced Options, and then follow the rest of the instructions in the Rules Wizard.
Create and Manage Contacts 1. Open an , right click on the senders name. Here are three ways to add contacts to your contact list Click on “Add to Outlook Contacts”
Create and Manage Contacts 3. Drag and drop method. Choose a person from your list and drag them to your contact bar.
Distribution Lists A distribution list contains a group of Contacts with its own name. You might create lists called "Board," "Team", and "Department." With contacts bar highlighted, click new, then click distribution list.
Distribution Lists Enter a name for the list. Add members to the list by searching for them.
1. From the main Outlook window, on the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Mail Format tab. 2. In the Compose in this message format list, click HTML. 3. Click Stationery Picker, and then click New. 4. In the Enter a name for your new stationery box, enter a name. 5. Under Choose how to create your stationery, select the option you want. To select a file to base your stationery on, type the path and file name in the Use this file as a template box, or click Browse to select from a list. 6. Click Next. 7. Select the options you want to use.