Health and Social Care Select Committee Juliette Garrett Commissioning Manager Health and Social Care Commissioning Directorate 22 nd January 2014 Agenda.


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Presentation transcript:

Health and Social Care Select Committee Juliette Garrett Commissioning Manager Health and Social Care Commissioning Directorate 22 nd January 2014 Agenda Item No. 8

2 Domiciliary Care The Essential Standards for Quality and Safety defines domiciliary care as:  “These services provide personal care for people living in their own homes. The needs of people using the services may vary greatly, but packages of care are designed to meet individual circumstances.  The person is visited at various times of the day or, in some cases, care is provided over a full 24-hour period. Where care is provided intermittently throughout the day, the person may live independently of any continuous support or care between the visits.” (

Summary of Current Arrangements 3  WSCC Domiciliary Care Framework  Direct Payments  NHS Continuing Healthcare  CHC Personal Health Budgets  Urgent Service Provision  Private Purchase

WSCC – total spend on homecare 4

NHS Continuing Healthcare – total spend on homecare 5

Need and Demand Number of People with Long Term Limiting Illness 6

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 7

Customer Feedback  Consistency of carers, able to build a relationship, understand the person and build Trust.  Training, experience, time for support and mentoring and educating on what it is to ‘care’  Flexibility in the service and Quality of provision.  Times and length of calls. Allowing enough time for travel, and communicating delays.  Communication, social interaction and listening to the customer and their carer  Showing respect for the person being cared for.  Being able to recognise the carers by uniform or name label.  Comforting to have agencies available for back up.  Better means of giving feedback.  Informal carers check everything is ok and deal with issues – many people don’t have this. 8

Recommended Approach  Locally Based  Community Focused  Integrated  Outcome Based  Enabling in Focus  Staged Approach to support future changes and developments. 9

Quality Assurance and Care Governance 10