Legacy issues from LINk reports Healthwatch England.


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Presentation transcript:

Legacy issues from LINk reports Healthwatch England

Interim analysis slide 1 We have commissioned a study to identify what matters most to people to help identify our priorities This included 113 annual reports in the public domain ( ) so….. We asked for a specific review of LINk annual reports They looked at what subjects LINks have focussed on Next they will look at the rest of the 2012 reports and we will do more sophisticated analysis of the current information

Interim analysis slide2 As a total picture: Very impressive dedication to hearing from the voiceless Highly driven to raise overlooked issues - mental health Dedication and commitment of thousands of LINk workers and volunteers Evidence of productive working relationships with statutory services Evidence of real change

The top ten big subjects are…. Slide 3 Mental health GP services Information and communications Social care Hospital discharge Equality and diversity Transport and parking Carers Children and young people Care homes

Mental health slide4 Out-of-hours and crisis services Personalisation, supporting people budgets, independence Equality and diversity including issues for BME communities, prisoners and homeless people. IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies)

GP services slide 5 Appointment management Out-of-hours services Registering with a GP Access for people with physical and sensory disability Awareness of specific conditions and needs Patient involvement - PPGs

Information and communications-slide 6 Information about services, support groups, and an individual’s care How easy it is to access How well services and staff communicate with people Information in translated forms How services communicate with each other Health promotion messages New types of communications such as web and texting

Social care slide7 Dignity and respect Funding, commissioning, changes to eligibility criteria Discharge Quality of life in care homes Carers issues Homecare Independence, personalisation and direct payments

In summary slide8 Issues that get overlooked – mental health, transport People that get overlooked – migrants, ethnic minorities Things that matter to us, appointment times, comfort, parking Softer issues of communication and relationship Getting our voices heard

Slide 9.. and what about Healthwatch England’s priority issues?

Criteria by which to evaluate the strategic plan going forward - slide 10 Does the priority fit with Healthwatch England’s role and strategy in the long-term? How much does it matter and to whom? Is change feasible in an acceptable timescale? Can Healthwatch England make a significant difference? Does it contribute to a balanced set of priorities for the organisation in the future?

Healthwatch England priorities for the next period slide 11 Ensure consumers of health and social care can exercise their right to be heard Ensure consumers of health and social care can exercise their right to redress Support local Healthwatch at this key stage of development Establish Healthwatch as an effective organisation that makes a difference for consumers in a changing health and social care landscape..