Independence & Well-being of Older People Community Services Scrutiny Committee - 12 June 2007 Morag Cuthbertson Julie Cushion “Our own future selves”


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Presentation transcript:

Independence & Well-being of Older People Community Services Scrutiny Committee - 12 June 2007 Morag Cuthbertson Julie Cushion “Our own future selves”

We have a growing older population, some who will have a need for services Having increasing expectation to be involved in shaping service improvements & active engagement in their community Strategic direction and leadership through Local Strategic Partnership Background

Vision Statement

Structure of Strategy In 6 Sections: Scope and Purpose How the Strategy was prepared Our Ageing Challenge Driving up our Standards Our Aims – Your Priorities and Outcomes How you can contribute to the Strategy + Appendix: Delivery Plan

Scope and Purpose

How the Strategy was Prepared The Strategy was prepared with major inputs from both survey findings and the Scrutiny witness statements provided by key providers and stakeholders.

Our Ageing Challenge More 65 years + than England average 19.8% compared to 15.9% Fast growing population 32,800 in 5 years time Areas of health inequalities More older people with Learning disabilities Learning disabilities Long-term conditions Long-term conditions Mental health problems Mental health problems Living to very “older old age 85 years+

Driving up Our Standards NSF for Older People (7 standards) Our Health, Our Care, Our Say (White Paper) Choosing Health (White Paper) Mental Health “Everybody's Business” Opportunity Age: Active Citizenship A Sure Start to Later Life

Our Aims:Your Priorities & Outcomes

(a) Improved Health and Well-being Southend overall a healthy place to live Examples of what we will do: Promote public health information & initiatives through consultations with local pharmacists Promote public health information & initiatives through consultations with local pharmacists Increase the number of older people participating in adult education & learning, using libraries for day opportunities Increase the number of older people participating in adult education & learning, using libraries for day opportunities Explore with our partners the development of dementia services for older people Explore with our partners the development of dementia services for older people Develop more day time opportunities for older people, in partnership with the PCT, housing & voluntary sector Develop more day time opportunities for older people, in partnership with the PCT, housing & voluntary sector

(b) Quality of Life - Independence The large majority maintain their independence, even into very “old,older age” with appropriate care, advice and support Examples of what we will do: Continue to develop the falls prevention service with our partners including training and awareness raising Continue to develop the falls prevention service with our partners including training and awareness raising Increase and actively promote services for minor repairs like ‘handyman’ or small repair schemes Increase and actively promote services for minor repairs like ‘handyman’ or small repair schemes Develop a Community Transport Strategy to enable older people from all communities & cultures Develop a Community Transport Strategy to enable older people from all communities & cultures Raise awareness of bus drivers of the safety needs of older people when using buses Raise awareness of bus drivers of the safety needs of older people when using buses

(c) Positive Contribution Opportunities Many older people already make a huge contribution, the voluntary sector and other services depend on their experience,skills and commitment. Examples of what we will do: Engage with carers at a ‘strategy day’ or conference to improve services Engage with carers at a ‘strategy day’ or conference to improve services Set up a representative body of older citizens to enable regular and constructive views e.g. Older Persons Parliament Set up a representative body of older citizens to enable regular and constructive views e.g. Older Persons Parliament Work in partnership with other agencies to promote volunteering Work in partnership with other agencies to promote volunteering

(d) More Choice & Control Expectations of older people to have more choice of flexible and personalised services have increased. Examples of what we will do: Improve the co-ordination of advice and information for older people – this will be supported by the introduction of a Council A-Z Directory Improve the co-ordination of advice and information for older people – this will be supported by the introduction of a Council A-Z Directory Actively promote expert patient programmes with health colleagues Actively promote expert patient programmes with health colleagues Increase the number of older people in receipt of direct payments by making direct payments a first choice option for social care service users Increase the number of older people in receipt of direct payments by making direct payments a first choice option for social care service users Develop & improve out translation & interpreting services & make more use of local champions and faith forums to raise awareness Develop & improve out translation & interpreting services & make more use of local champions and faith forums to raise awareness

(e) Safe & Secure Almost 80% of older people say they feel safe living in Southend. However fear of crime remains a concern for a significant number of residents. Examples of what we will do: Include crime related contacts & issues within the A-Z Council guide including where older people can go for extra security & advice Include crime related contacts & issues within the A-Z Council guide including where older people can go for extra security & advice Work with local Police to ensure needs of older people in Southend are recognised and introduce crime awareness and prevention campaign specifically for older people Work with local Police to ensure needs of older people in Southend are recognised and introduce crime awareness and prevention campaign specifically for older people Work with the Community Safety & Crime Reduction Partnerships to achieve the targets set out in the LAA to ensure older people feel safe and secure in their communities Work with the Community Safety & Crime Reduction Partnerships to achieve the targets set out in the LAA to ensure older people feel safe and secure in their communities Deliver a co-ordinated older peoples community safety programme Deliver a co-ordinated older peoples community safety programme

(f) Economic Well-being Most answering our survey (70%) indicated that they had few financial worries..but poverty remains a concern for some older people. Examples of what we will do: Introduce a campaign to raise awareness and use of attendance allowance and other benefits to fund homecare etc Introduce a campaign to raise awareness and use of attendance allowance and other benefits to fund homecare etc Use voluntary organisations to carry out regular take up campaigns e.g. Age concern, DWP) Use voluntary organisations to carry out regular take up campaigns e.g. Age concern, DWP) Through a carers strategy, actively support carers to have opportunity to re-enter education, training, or employment, and have benefits advice & support Through a carers strategy, actively support carers to have opportunity to re-enter education, training, or employment, and have benefits advice & support Develop an older persons Benefit & Grants checklist Develop an older persons Benefit & Grants checklist

(g) Treated with Respect & Dignity Our long-term Care Charter sets out our core values – agreed between health, social care, housing and other services- for respecting your dignity at all times. Examples of what we will do: Ensure our buildings are appropriate to the needs of older people with disabilities Ensure our buildings are appropriate to the needs of older people with disabilities Continue to develop the joint strategy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults with partners Continue to develop the joint strategy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults with partners Deal with complaints in a timely, appropriate and sensitive way Deal with complaints in a timely, appropriate and sensitive way Ensure choice for an older person in residential or nursing home placements according to their needs and wishes and the availability of their own bedroom Ensure choice for an older person in residential or nursing home placements according to their needs and wishes and the availability of their own bedroom

Feedback Arrangements for publishing the strategy Dissemination – main contact points Brief questionnaire/response page Opportunity to engage in voluntary work, focus groups and other consultations

Delivery Plan Can not happen all at once – over 3 years Sets out aims, outcomes and lead agency Monitoring arrangements: Health and Well-being Partnership Board Continuing role for Scrutiny. Not “cast in tablets of stone” – annual review September 2008 Not “cast in tablets of stone” – annual review September 2008