Year 11 Parents’ Information Evening What to expect? Expectations in Year 11 Intervention How to support? Dealing with stress Revision Year 11 Post 16- Holy Family Sixth Form Key dates
What to expect? How was year 11 for you? Year 11 for me was rather calm for the first few months up to about November. It was mainly trying to finish off coursework. From January onwards it was the piles and piles of stress. What advice will you like to give to the upcoming year 11s? Listen in class, revise earlier on than I did (around January), do your coursework because it helps a lot with your grades and also don't overwork yourself because it can do a lot more harm than good if you work yourself too much. From The Student Room
Expectations in Year 11 Excellent punctuality and attendance More independent Behaviour Maturity More organised Ask for help- they are not alone Create a study routine and stick to it Target setting- set realistic goals
Why is it important to secure your maths and English GCSE grade at a C or above?
Policeman Fireman Project manager Customer service manager Air traffic controllers Train driver Receptionist Care assistant Fitness instructor Medical secretary The list is endless!! All of the following jobs require no other qualifications EXCEPT maths and English GCSE at grade C or above!!!
There is a great deal you can do as a parent. You can’t revise for them, however much you’d like to (or not), you can’t take the exams for them, but you can be invaluable in making the exam process smooth, calm and successful. Please remember: Don’t hesitate to contact the school for help and advice.
Free from technology & messaging devices Away from siblings if possible TV free Music- some students work better with music A clear space Alternative quiet spaces(libraries, relatives, school) A place to study
Past exercise books Commercially produced revision guides Online revision sites Downloadable revision guides Know the course specification AQA and EDEXCEL are the main exam boards that are used Resources
Time management Work with your child to help them produce a study timetable Avoid difficult times or being over ambitious Find ways of rewarding adherence to schedules Ensure there is suitable down-time
Dealing with stress Physical Activity Go for a Walk Talk with a Friend Eat a Healthy Diet Be Assertive Develop a Hobby Manage Your Time Take mini-vacations throughout the day Practice Relaxation. Have Fun Being a Couch Potato Yelling at your Family and Friends Sleeping Too Little or Too Much Withdrawing from Others Eating too little or too much Being Aggressive or Passive Working Harder, Not Smarter Have Time Manage You Not Taking a Break Throughout the Day. Skipping Lunch Being a Workaholic Dwelling on problems. Bad diet VS Developing stress
Revising isn’t something that should be challenging or difficult at all. What revising is, unfortunately, is time consuming. It takes a while. That’s why starting early is best. Create a revision timetable and stick to it- remind them of what they should be doing. Revision
It goes very quickly! 46 school days until mocks begin 133 days until public exams start
Why are mocks important? ● Gives us and you a clear picture of where you are...a year and a term into your GCSE courses ● We will use mock grades for sixth form applications and to determine the courses that will be available to you ● You get an indication of how on track you are for the next step in your education
The Sixth Form Fantastic new sixth form study centre!!
Data Analysis ● We have been analysing the data from your last reports, looking at what teachers think you are going to get at the end of GCSE. This is based on homework, classwork, assessments and general attitude. ● We have created a WAR BOARD!!
What is the WAR BOARD? ● It clearly outlines students who are at risk of underachieving ● All teachers have access to it and will start targeting individuals and ensuring that they make more rapid progress. ● How do we work it out? Students who have more than -1.0 in terms of progress will be the first cohort to have a focus on them.
STUDENT 1 Av. grade based on KS2 point score: A1 English:A1 Maths: A2 P8 Score: Bucket 1: 2 Bucket 2: 4 Bucket 3: 4 Subject Fine Grades: Bi B1 Ch - B1 Ph - B1 Co - B2 Dr - A*3 Re - A3 Mu - A2 Areas of focus on: Triple Science Computing EXAMPLE STUDENT 2 Av. grade based on KS2 point score: A1 English:A1 Maths: C1 P8 Score: Bucket 1: 2 Bucket 2: 4 Bucket 3: 4 Subject Fine Grades: Bi - C1 Ch - C1 Ph - C1 Gg - B2 Ps - A*2 Re - C2 Me - B1 Areas to focus on: Triple Science Geography Re Maths
What does -1.0 mean? ● It means that on average students are set to achieve one grade lower than what they have the potential to achieve. ● If the score is bigger than this for example, t means that on average students are set to achieve 3 grades lowerthan their potential
What now? ● Time to step it up! ● Hard’s the only way! ● This year will be tough, we will help and support you. ● If your teachers arrange for you to do extra work, do it; or if they give up time to help you, be there.
Dates for the diary ● WB 23rd Nov - Mocks begin ● 14th January Parent’s evening ● 30th January Sixth Form Open Evening ● 11th February Academic Review Day All parents will be asked to come in - please support the school, lots of time slots to accommodate all
If you want to contact Ms Akinyemi or Mr Graefe about anything regarding this evening. Thank you.