Noun Clause
“Ever since you first toddled into a school door, your teachers have been telling you that a noun is a person, place, thing or idea.”
Remember: 1. A noun is a part of speech. 2. Subjects and objects are parts of the sentence. 3. Nouns function as subjects or objects. 4. THEREFORE… Nouns = subjects or objects!
Example: The burrito gave me heartburn. Burrito and heartburn are the nouns in this sentence. Gave is the verb and burrito is the subject.
Remember… To find the subject of a sentence, locate the verb and ask who or what about the verb.
Hint… Dependent signal which introduce noun clauses WhoWhom WhoseWhich ThatIf WhetherWhat WhenWhere HowWhy
AND… you can add to the list various forms of “-ever” Whoever Whenever Whatever Wherever
Always keep in mind… Many of these words are flexible and can do different things in different sentences.