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Presentation transcript:

CHFG OPEN SEMINAR ROLE OF: CLINICAL DIRECTOR: CLINICAL HUMAN FACTORS, SIMULATION TRAINING AND ETHICS HYWEL DDA HEALTH BOARD Dr Matthew Sargeant CHFIG Member and Consultant Psychiatrist in Rehabilitation and Recovery (Hywel Dda Health Board), Honorary Lecturer ( Psychiatry ) Cardiff University

Accountability Professionally accountable to and acting on behalf of the Medical Director and the AMD for Quality Improvement, Safety and Standards Managerially accountable to the AMD for Quality Improvement, Safety and Standards for delivery of agreed HB wide objectives. The post-holder will work closely with the Executive Directors, Associate Medical Directors, senior managerial colleagues, Hospital Directors of Clinical Care and Clinical Leads in order to ensure objectives are achieved.

JOB SUMMARY To provide enhanced clinical leadership in the following areas. To provide clinical leadership to ensure processes are established which contribute to HB wide quality improvements, together with the delivery of safety and standards in the following areas: –Clinical Human Factors –Simulation training –Ethics To develop a source of ethical advice for clinicians and managers in the Health Board through the formation and lead of a HB wide Ethics Committee. To assist the quality and safety team, and in particular the AMD for quality and safety in the investigation of human factors in medical / clinical adverse incidents. To provide advice on strategies for the prevention of the recurrence of such future incidents. To lead on the development of simulation training across the Health Board, particularly linked to minimising the human factors contribution to adverse clinical incidents. To link with the AMD for Workforce and Postgraduate Leads to expand and enhance the role of simulation training in general for doctors of all grades. To provide medical advice to the mental health support unit on mental health legislation as and when required. To provide medical leadership in their implementation and ensure that robust monitoring processes are in place. To contribute to the development of the HB overall clinical services and financial framework and provide clinical leadership in ensuring that the organisational transformation objectives are implemented and delivered. To attend meetings and to represent the Medical Director, as appropriate. To represent the HB at a national level as required.

JOB SUMMARY To provide enhanced clinical leadership in the following areas. To provide clinical leadership to ensure processes are established which contribute to HB wide quality improvements, together with the delivery of safety and standards in the following areas: –Clinical Human Factors –Simulation training –Ethics

JOB SUMMARY To develop a source of ethical advice for clinicians and managers in the Health Board through the formation and lead of a HB wide Ethics Committee.

JOB SUMMARY To assist the quality and safety team, and in particular the AMD for quality and safety in the investigation of human factors in medical / clinical adverse incidents. To provide advice on strategies for the prevention of the recurrence of such future incidents. To lead on the development of simulation training across the Health Board, particularly linked to minimising the human factors contribution to adverse clinical incidents. To link with the AMD for Workforce and Postgraduate Leads to expand and enhance the role of simulation training in general for doctors of all grades.

JOB SUMMARY To provide medical advice to the mental health support unit on mental health legislation as and when required. To provide medical leadership in their implementation and ensure that robust monitoring processes are in place.

Job Summary To contribute to the development of the HB overall clinical services and financial framework and provide clinical leadership in ensuring that the organisational transformation objectives are implemented and delivered. To attend meetings and to represent the Medical Director, as appropriate. To represent the HB at a national level as required.

Principles: One Macroergonomics Microergonomics Hedonomics

Principles: Two The three themes are linked in with the three linked themes of:- Clinical Human Factors Simulation Training Ethics

Principles: Three Missing linkage operators:- ‘Rea’l - Time Cognitive Chronometry To link primary shopfloor and secondary organisational learning and synergy.

Better Safer Care for Patients Main Objective and Outcome By producing team training and function by integrating:- Non technical Skills Simulation ( and non simulation) training Technical Skills Equipment Safety culture Health Board wide engagement Community Engagement

Committees Chair Human Factors Group - HB Chair Simulation Group - HB Chair Ethics Group – HB ex officio local groups Chair and member of mental health and related legislation committees Chair Mental Capacity Act Committee - HB Chair AWMSG/NICE Group - HB Member Resuscitation Group -HB Member Safeguarding Committee -HB Member R and D Committee -HB Member Education Board -HB Member SMB Dyfed Powys - MAPPA Member Drug Related Death Group Dyfed Powys

Strategies Human Factors /Ergonomic Strategy for Health Board Simulation Training Strategy for Health Board Ethics Strategy for Health Board Mental Health and related Legislation Strategy for Health Board