9 March 2004 GIFTS Blackbody Subsystem Critical Design Review Development Plans, Logistics, and Facilities Fred Best 9 March 2004
9 March 2004 Slide 2 Topics Build Plan and Status Performance Verification Plan and Status Contamination Control Assembly, Integratin, and Test/Flow Facilities
9 March 2004 Slide 3 Blackbody Subsystem Build Plan
9 March 2004 Slide 4 Verification Matrix
9 March 2004 Slide 5 Verification, Continued
9 March 2004 Slide 6 Subsystem-level Test Plans
9 March 2004 Slide 7 Contamination Control All materials were selected to meet NASA low-ougassing requirements (1% TML, 0.1 CVCM). After Painting the BB will be baked out in a vacuum at SDL and returned to UW for completion of assembly and testing. Blackbody will be assembled on a Class 1000 laminar flow bench and will be double-bagged. Prior to installation of the internal MLI at SDL, the BB will be cleaned with a CO 2 Snow Cleaning process (except for the internal painted cavity surface). Following MLI Installation the BB double bagged and purged with dry N2 during any temperature testing. The Controller Board will be cleaned at SDL, prior to the Conformal Coating Process. After Conformal Coating at SDL, the Board will be stored in ESD bags. (during any temperature tests, it will be purged with dry N2)
9 March 2004 Slide 8 Assembly, Integration, Test Flow
9 March 2004 Slide 9 Facilities-Fabrication & Checkout Blackbody Assembly Controller Bench-top Checkout SSEC Machine Shop
9 March 2004 Slide 10 Temperature Test Facilities Temperature Testing (another identical chamber is available)
9 March 2004 Slide 11 Temperature Calibration Standard Absolute Temperature Calibration of end- to-end System at Hart has Uncertainty Of +/ K (k=2) Thermometrics SP-60 Probes (2) Hart 2563 Standard Thermistor Module Hart 2564 Thermistor Scanner Module Hart 3560 Extended Communications Module Calibration Computer