Food We Eat...Yum! By Finlay Ford go!
Supermarkets In England, we have HUGE buildings called supermarkets. Supermarkets have loads of shelves with lots of food on them. When you need some food, you go to a supermarket, find the food you were looking for, and take it to the checkout. At the checkout, a worker scans your food for the barcode, which tells him the price and you give him the right amount of money. A supermarket, inside and out A checkout, a scanner and a barcode
Food Traditions Sunday roast On Sundays, we have a tradition of eating a dinner of roasted meat, normally either chicken, pork, beef, ham or turkey. This tradition comes from the idea of the Christian ‘day of rest’, with the roast as a big, hearty meal for all the family to enjoy. Fish and chips We also have the tradition of eating fish and chips on Friday. I don’t know where it came from, but it’s certainly caught on! Fish and chips are famously served with peas, salt and vinegar and (though I don’t like it) tartar sauce. Now, they are served with tomato sauce, salad cream, lemon and even cheese!