1 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Particles and Fields Package Quarterly Status Review (QSR) January 19, 2011 Dave Curtis, PFP PM
2 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 SSL Contracting Status Phase B/C/D Contract in place. A budget breakdown by PFP schedule milestone has been submitted to support EVM at GSFC
3 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Schedule Status While lots of progress is bring made and the team is at full strength, we are still showing some slippage in getting the EMs together Have re-arranged the EM schedule to get the system electrical functional done as soon as possible, putting off the EM STATIC and SWIA instrument calibrations (which now don’t complete till after instrument PDR) Looking at ways to break bottle-necks –Recently hired another technician and an additional test engineer –Have identified potential help at GSFC in winding EM magnetics Some erosion of post-CDR schedule margin –Due to late EM I&T –STATIC, PFDPU –Still have 16 weeks of margin to delivery on critical path –Working on ways to improve margin
4 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Manpower RBSP-EFW instrument approaching delivery –Most of the people we need have transitioned 100% –a few still completing tasks, notably a key technician –Hired an extra technician this month Solar Probe Plus is starting to impact a few team members –Looking at ways to share and augment team as needed
5 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Accomplishments All required EM EEE parts at SSL All flight Active parts are on order –Passive parts list being updated, ordering in progress Most PWBs layed out, some loaded and in test –see below DCB loaded, in test –Key element for EM I&T with LM in April Most EM Mechanical parts are in fab –Some part-level design work still in progress on SWIA/STATIC PFDPU simulator GSE delivered to GSFC, LASP, SSL Instrument teams More in instrument sections…
6 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Ongoing Work Supporting Project planning process Supporting EMC, Payload, SDT working groups Completing EM layouts, board loading Continue EM board testing Completing EM mechanical part drawings, getting parts fabricated Preparing for STATIC TOF system acoustic test later this month or early next month
7 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 EM Status Summary PFP EM & GSE Layouts –31 total, including GSFC/MAG, LASP/LPW, CESR/SWEA –28 layouts complete (27 boards fabricated, 16 boards loaded, 7 completed test) –3 remaining layouts near completion LM Interface Test preparations (4/5/2011): –DCB board loaded, in hardware test –GSE & FSW ready to start software testing soon –Current schedule shows ready by 3/1/2011 for the LM test EM detectors on order (MCP, SSD, foils, magnets) –SWIA, STATIC MCP, STATIC foils, SEP magnets delivered –SEP EM detectors due in 2 weeks. EM Mechanical parts: –PFDPU, STATIC TOF in fab –Remaining SWIA, STATIC parts into fab soon –SEP EM mechanical in assembly –LPW boom, SWEA (SSL) parts complete
8 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 EM Status
9 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 PFP RFA Status
10 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Trades, Issues HV801 issue still open –Two options: Amptek HV801, Micropac –Amptek delivered some EM HV801s Have parts for EM –Current plan is to buy HV801s from LADEE NMS, who has parts on order they no longer need Working on an analysis to decide if the PFDPU mechanical design needs to be augmented to support the PWBs to avoid excessive displacements in vibe –MAG EM PWB has option for a center support, others do not –Looks like we can probably eliminate center support, analysis about ready for review
11 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Top Risks P-08 Retired (EUV sensor damaged by atmosphere exposure); adequate safeing system in place
12 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Risks List
13 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 PFP Mass No significant change
14 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Mass Tracking Chart
15 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 PFP Power CCR approved for SEP, SWEA, SWIA, STATIC operational heaters –NTE increased, adequate margin No significant change to CBE
16 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 PFP Power Trend
17 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 PFP Data Rate Per allocations from Bruce
18 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Requirements Verification Status Nothing new to report.
19 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 MAVEN Magnetometer Status January 2011 Connerney, Sheppard, Schnurr, Oliversen, Espley, etc.
20 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 GSFC/MAG - Accomplishments Last Month(s) All MAG-related RFA’s have been closed (IPDR, Mission PDR). MAG a/c heater controller prototype board fabricated, tuned, tested. Procurement status of long-lead and limited availability items: –Identified source (ST Micro) for rad-hard CMOS quad bilateral switches (4066’s). –FM sensor mechanical assembly parts received. Completed screening and initial burn-in of magnetics piece parts (transformers, inductors) for EM analog board. Completed review of LM Mechanical ICD; sensor harness drawings; EM analog/digital board received; EM parts kitted; board in fabrication.
21 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 GSFC/MAG - Accomplishments Last Month(s) EM sensor assembled, wired, awaiting pigtail installation. GSE sensor harness fabrication complete. GSE received from UCB, setup, checkout, familiarization. Designed & sent to fabrication Hypertronics connector breakout PWBs. Assembly on hold awaiting connectors. FPGA designer reviewing requirements and specifications. Updated MAG Specification Document/Users Manual. Updated MAG schedule w/ Jim Perry as of Jan 12, MAG Lab staff began migrating to MAVEN FGM MIS Configuration Mgm’t System.
22 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 The MAVEN EM Sensor Assembly
23 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Near Term Plans & Open Issues Complete assembly EM analog/digital board. Modify Hypertronics connector alignment fixture (as received from UCB) to fit MAG EM analog/digital board. Continue MAG software requirements discussion w/UCB. Have reduced requirements (e.g., no need for range control in PFDPU); complete simulation data compression (differences) scheme w/MGS archive data set. Design and build connector bracket for analog/digital board sensor interface connector. Begin winding FM sensor ring cores, feedback/sense bobbins, fabricate sensor assembly terminal boards. Finalize MAG FPGA design requirements.
24 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Near Term Plans & Open Issues Need several Hypertronics connectors (from UCB) for EM board fabrication and GSE. Need 5 AirBorn connector sets (from UCB) for MAG a/c heater boards and GSE. Fabrication of EM board delay due to workload (Code 562); now estimated completion Mid-February. Still working to get Steve Himes (Code 302) assigned for MAG QA.
25 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 MAVEN PFP SWIA Status January 2011 Jasper Halekas, SWIA Lead
26 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 SWIA Progress Electrical Progress –Anode board loaded and tested, adding mechanical clamp parts –Digital board loaded, in testing –Preamp/MCP PWB fabricated PREAMP side being loaded MCP side being kitted –LVPS PWB kitted (except magnetics), out for loading –Sweep prototype in re-routing, out for PWB fab soon Mechanical Progress –Anode/MCP parts fabricated, in assembly –HV connector design complete –Pin-puller and attenuator design making rapid progress –Final detailing of analyzer and e-box in progress –Most parts should be out for fabrication by early February Detector Progress –Microchannel plates should be in testing by early February –A121 first round of testing complete, testing on EM board soon
27 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 SWIA Issues Staffing –Board layout crunch finally over –MEs finally on MAVEN full time –Tight point now is technician time for loading boards, building harnessing, magnetics winding, etc.
28 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 SWIA Boards Loaded AnodeLoaded Digital PREAMP/MCPHV TopPREAMP/MCPHV Bottom
29 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 MAVEN PFP SWEA Status January 2011 Dave Mitchell, SWEA Lead
30 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 SWEA Status, EM - CESR Mechanical –EM sensor assembled, functional tests complete and under review. –Black nickel chosen to coat deflectors, toroidal grids, and external surfaces (to be done in U.S. by Anoplate). –Cu 2 S selected to coat interior of hemispheres (to be done in France). Currently evaluating details of coating the top cap – desire is for black nickel with Cu 2 S on curved portion. EM sensor in vacuum chamber 10 cm
31 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 SWEA Status, EM - SSL Mechanical –Pedestal fabrication complete. –Rest of SSL EM refurbished and tested. LVPC –PWB fab complete. –Currently being loaded at Digicom. Digital –PWB fab complete and loaded. –FPGA implementation in progress. SWEA Pedestal SWEA Digital
32 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 MAVEN PFP STATIC Status January 2011 Jim McFadden, STATIC Lead
33 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 STATIC Accomplishments Carbon foil inspection scanner purchased, tested (see photo) EM Anode and Preamp board loaded, ready for test (see photos) MCA purchased for characterizing microchannel plates HV Sweep board schematic updates complete Stack-stick multiplier for MCP supply built (replacement for VMI part) Digital board being loaded (photo of Digital and daughter) TOF mechanical parts - fit check completed All mechanical parts required for acoustic test are either already fabricated or out for fabrication Deflector mechanical/electrical interface design complete Grid attenuator mechanical/electrical interface design complete FPGA specification updated and first ETU version of FPGA is ready for test Radiation training by Marckwordt completed
34 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 STATIC Carbon Foil Scanner Results Scan showing section with good foil coverage White pixels have missing foils or have tears
35 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 STATIC EM Anode & Preamp loaded
36 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 STATIC EM Digital and Daughter
37 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 STATIC Open Issues Carbon foil handling procedures being developed – (bake at 200 o C in air does NOT destroys foils – helps with inspection & contamination) Developing cleaning procedures for grid-frames to remove rejected carbon foils and allow reuse of grid-frames Carbon foil mounting/inspection procedures still being optimized (water temperature, surfactant amount, mechanical equipment, storage) Problems obtaining Carbon Foils (bad batches, purchasing delays) Clean-room build continuing TDC layout still in process. Digital board being loaded HV Sweep board layout in process 15kV-MCP board needs to be kitted - MCP HV multiplier from VMI delayed - waiting on HV connectors, mechanical parts. STATIC FPGA still in development LVPS needs BOM and needs to be kitted, built and tested (Berg). Analyzer and mechanical attenuator still in development
38 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 MAVEN PFP SEP Status January, 2011 Davin Larson, SEP Lead
39 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 SEP Accomplishments DFE board being testing preamp (see picture) FLEX circuits delivered to Craig Tindall for mounting of ETU detectors DAP board fabbed (see picture) and being stuffed by digi-com FPGA design ready to be delivered by Jianxen Chen Magnets assembled into magnet cage and tested –Magnetic properties are similar to THEMIS sensors. (discrepancy was due to misinterpretation of raw data) Mechanical parts have arrived. ETU#1 partially assembled DFE DAP SEP EM Sensor
40 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 SEP Open issues Flight detector still a few weeks away so spare THEMIS detectors are being used for ETUs
41 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 MAVEN PFP DCB, Power Converter & GSE Status January 2011 Dorothy Gordon Timothy Quinn Peter Berg
42 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 DCB Status (1) DCB ETU #1 Integrated with FPGA Daughter board Initial Testing in progress Coldfire CORE, S/C Interface, Memory Control instantiated in the first FPGA release ROM Monitor Ported from RBSP –c-code test program migrated to Coldfire architecture and toolset –Allows for Peeking/Poking of DCB based Registers –Uses the Spacecraft (UART based) uplink and downlink interfaces Initial DMA problems resolved during the ROM Monitor port Along with the UART, the S/C Discrete Interface has been exercised (SIDE-SELECT, RESET and TIME)
43 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 DCB Status (2) DCB, FPGA Daughter Board and ROM Emulator
44 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 DCB Status (3) DCB under test with Spacecraft Simulator
45 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 PFDPU EM Chassis
46 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 GSE Hardware/Firmware Status MAVEN PFDPU Simulators have been shipped –Delivered MISG-GSE to LASP (LPW Team) connected and verified proper operation. GSE is being used for ongoing testing. –Delivered MISG-GSE to GSFC (MAG Team) Connection pending availability of MAG hardware
47 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Power Converter Status REG board –Calculated initial (to be loaded) values for most of the REG components –First REG ETU has gone to Digicom for assembly of everything but the magnetics (which are being wound by SSL personnel). –Reduction in power (1/5) of one of the supplies required a redesign A daughter board was designed to accommodate a replacement topology Daughter board will fit in the place of the previous and (now unpopulated) components Status: daughter board layout is complete and board has been received –A successful fit check was done for the on - board connectors. IIB board –Layout is undergoing final checking
48 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 REG PWB
49 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 MAVEN PFP Flight Software Status January Peter Harvey
50 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Status Interface Documents Prepared/Delivered Command & Telemetry document (CTM) Discussion with LM on the SC-PFDPU interface; agreed on plan on how to use PFP command and telemetry system which is compatible with Flight Software and MSA Reviewed new DFB specification (v 12/13) Reviewed new MAG specification Discussed MAG processing requirements with MAG team. Updates/clarification to requirements pending Reviewed new DCB specification Reviewed new HV specification (SYS_031) Reviewing new SWEA PAD algorithm (TN_044) & example! IV&V Processing the IV&V comments (currently 7 of 32), modifying L5 requirements FSW Development Revised the IO module to meet revised DCB specification Developed and tested DCB diagnostic program Compiler optimization can be disabled piecemeal some optimizations seem to conflict with hardware register access - TBR Test Status Supporting DCB hardware tests (diagnostic program) Waiting on completion of hardware tests to start Boot code testing on DCB GSEOS/Spacecraft simulator hardware interface in work, should be ready by the time we start Boot code test
51 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Metrics Chart Progress Points=Telecons with GSFC. 1 pt for each telecon, 0 if the telecon did not happen. Management Effort. Expected 10% or less, but has required phase A requirements and plans to be written in phase B. Falling behind plan, but still not on critical path to EM I&T.
52 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Margin Chart
53 PFP QSR, 1/19/2011 Fever Chart 1.FSW Requirements changes in the works 2.Telemetry Specification changes in the works 3.DCB ETU board currently in checkout 4.DCB GSE not yet developed