UKCoRR meeting Kingston University, November 2007 Mary Robinson European Development Officer University of Nottingham, UK


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Presentation transcript:

UKCoRR meeting Kingston University, November 2007 Mary Robinson European Development Officer University of Nottingham, UK Repository Staff & Skills Set

Background In response to requests for job descriptions Aim: to identify key repository roles and the entire skills set needed to set up and run a successful repository Input from UKCoRR members and SHERPA partners Released August Revised July

Repository Roles Repository Manager Manages the human side of the repository including content policies, advocacy, user training and a liaison with a wide range of institutional departments and external contacts. Repository Administrator Manages the technical implementation, customisation and management of repository software, manages metadata fields and quality, creates usage reports and tracks the preservation issues.

Repository Skills Set Management Software Metadata Storage & Preservation Content Liaison (Internal & External) Advocacy, Training & Support Current Awareness & Professional Development

Response & Uses UK & International Uses –Job descriptions –Plan repository development and staffing –Seek funding from institutions –Renegotiate salaries/job profiles –Identify skill gaps/areas for training

Revision suggestions Mention JISC Recruitment Toolkit Add Apache & AWStats to relevant sections Address issue of hosted repositories Break down skills into specific roles / description of a technical post

Revision suggestions Mention JISC Recruitment Toolkit Add Apache & AWStats to relevant sections Address issue of hosted repositories Break down skills into specific roles / description of a technical post

Revision suggestions Mention JISC Recruitment Toolkit Add Apache & AWStats to relevant sections Address issue of hosted repositories Break down skills into specific roles / description of a technical post

Revision suggestions Mention JISC Recruitment Toolkit Add Apache & AWStats to relevant sections Address issue of hosted repositories Break down skills into specific roles / description of a technical post

Hosted repositories Text to be added………

Hosted repositories Draft text: Many commercial services now offer hosted repository solutions. The roles or skills supplied by the commercial service and those needed within the institution will be agreed through negotiation. This document can be used to identify those skills available within the institution and those which the commercial service must supply.

Revision suggestions Mention JISC Recruitment Toolkit Add Apache & AWStats to relevant sections Address issue of hosted repositories Break down skills into specific roles / description of a technical post

Revision suggestions Mention JISC Recruitment Toolkit Add Apache & AWStats to relevant sections Address issue of hosted repositories Break down skills into specific roles / description of a technical post

UKCoRR Summary - repository staffing structures 16 th May 2008, Alison Sutton University of Reading 1 x FTE repository manager based in library: advocacy, development, copyright checking, some archiving. Occasional archiving by some departmental support staff. Occasional support from programmers. (DSpace, ROAR registered 2006, repository population approx. 500) 1 x FTE project manager/repository manager (to reduce to 0.5 after project completed) based in library. 1 x 0.25 technical support officer. 5 x?0.5 faculty administrators. Occasional support from library rights officer and library web database administrator. (DSpace, launching soon, repository population approx 60.) 1 x repository manager (combined with day job) based in library. 2 x part time administrators - one was a cataloguer - (totalling 22 hours per week) line managed in document supply. Senior LIS manager has ultimate responsibility. (DSpace, ROAR registered 2006, population approx. 3.5K) Managed by 'very small part' of one librarian - does some archiving. Occasionally employ postgrad. to contact academics and process deposits. Planning to employ part time clerical support to work on buffer. (EPrints, ROAR registered 2006, population approx 1100) 0.5 x FTE repository librarian. Support from line manager, project manager (senior with LIS), copyright specialist and ad hoc from other LIS staff. Mediated deposit system. (Hosted, ROAR registered 2006, population over 500)

Revision suggestions Mention JISC Recruitment Toolkit Add Apache & AWStats to relevant sections Address issue of hosted repositories Break down skills into specific roles / description of a technical post

Revision suggestions Mention JISC Recruitment Toolkit Add Apache & AWStats to relevant sections Address issue of hosted repositories Break down skills into specific roles / description of a technical post

Future & Feedback Update Annually If you use it in designing job descriptions, consider any difficulties you encounter and let us know.

Thank you!

Thank you!