Halfway up the Open Access Mountain - the Sherpa's view Bill Hubbard SHERPA Manager University of Nottingham
The start of the journey... Open Access Budapest Open Access Initiative An old tradition and a new technology have converged to make possible an unprecedented public good... – Lofty principals - can we climb this far?
Why? Because its there? Open access benefits –for authors –for researchers –for research processes –for institutions –for research funders –for public Offers a sustainable basis for the future Some people have gone there and seen it working
The Open Access landscape Open Access - definitions –Open Access Journals –Open Access Repositories Data Providers and Service Providers –Global repository network to underpin adoption –Author-led and innovative services to support use Stakeholders –authors, researchers, institutions, funders, learned societies, public, publishers...
The route
The route: institutional repositories The OAI-PMH allows a single gateway to search and access many repositories –subject-based portals or views –subject-based classification and search –institutional storage and support Practical reasons –use institutional infrastructure –integration into work-flows and systems –support is close to academic users and contributors
Repository content Preprints Postprints Datasets Learning objects Videos Sound files linkage between these objects Theses Dissertations Royalty publications Conference papers Technical reports Grey literature
Repository use Access to material Citation analysis Overlay journals Review projects Evidence based work Data-mining Cross-institutional research group virtual research environments... Services built on top RAE-like submissions, activities and management Archival storage Shop-windows Facilitate industrial links Career-long personalised work spaces
Where we have gone so far JISC FAIR programme, and others... GNU eprints, SHERPA, TARDIS, DAEDALUS, EThOS, VERSIONS, Repository Bridge, DRIVER, et al Overseas and international initiatives Advocacy and engagement Policy development Growth of OA Community Conferences galore!
Repository Types
Repositories by Continent
European Repositories
Russell & 1994 Groups University of Bath Birkbeck University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Cambridge Cardiff University University of Durham University of East Anglia University of Edinburgh University of Essex University of Exeter University of Glasgow Goldsmiths University of Reading Royal Holloway University of St Andrews University of Sheffield SOAS University of Southampton University of Surrey University of Sussex University of Warwick UCL University of York Imperial College King's College London Lancaster University University of Leeds University of Leicester University of Liverpool Loughborough University LSE University of Manchester University of Newcastle University of Nottingham University of Oxford Queen Mary Queens University
CMU Universities Group University of Abertay Dundee Anglia Ruskin University Bath Spa University University of Bedfordshire The University of Bolton University of Central England University of Central Lancashire Coventry University University of Derby University of East London (UEL) University of Glamorgan Glasgow Caledonian University University of Gloucestershire University of Greenwich Kingston University Leeds Metropolitan University London Metropolitan University London South Bank University Middlesex University Napier University University of Northampton University of Paisley Roehampton University Southampton Solent University Staffordshire University University of Sunderland University of Teesside Thames Valley University University of Wales Institute, Cardiff University of Westminster University of Wolverhampton
University Alliance University of Bournemouth University of Bradford Cranfield University De Montfort University University of Hertfordshire University of Huddersfield Institute of Education University of Kent University of Lincoln Liverpool John Moores University Manchester Metropolitan University University of Northumbria Nottingham Trent University The Open University Oxford Brookes University University of Plymouth University of Portsmouth University of Salford Sheffield Hallam University University of Wales, Aberystwyth University of Wales Institute, Cardiff University of Wales, Newport University of the West of England
Joining the party Institutional mandates Funding mandates –RCUK –Wellcome Trust –Arthritis Research Campaign and more Parliamentary Select Committee Report European Commission –'Study on the Economic and Technical Evolution of the Scientific Publication Markets of Europe –Petition - 22,000 signatures
Path graphic
Looking back down the path Process of setting up repositories is ok Systems works - put things in and get them out Copyright was not the unbridgeable crevasse we feared... Achieved regional, national, international support OA academic approval at over 80% but...
The difficulties A good case is not enough The way across Copyright Crevasse was too narrow for authors comfort The view from Base Camp was hard to shake –subject basis, quality control, plagiarism Reluctance to leave well-trodden paths The Search party didnt turn up The view from here is still too restricted Authors want sherpas to carry the load
How far to the summit graphic
How far to the summit? Need high percentage ingest - how high? Need authors to save their critical versions - how do we achieve this? Need clear messages of support and facilities to all academics - how do we reach them? Need sherpas to take the load, or strong leadership to get authors to take responsibility Need clear development paths for everyone to follow
Next stage Search teams are forging up the slopes Mandates will help us along - support them Assistance is available Multiplicity of paths –all going to slightly different destinations Where do we want to go?
Development path - ingest Research papers - published Conference papers Book chapters eTheses Research data Learning and teaching materials Grey literature
Development path - use Access –exposure –publication lists –shop-windows –integration with information environment Open Access Re-use support –data-mining –evidence-based work Overlay journals Citation services –integration with library provision –research management –research audit
Obstacles graphic
Obstacles & tricky conditions Embargoes Double-charge access becoming embedded Copyright Crevasse is still unsettling Loss of focus within repositories Metadata-only entries cloud the view Author engagement cf approval
Assistance RSP - RoMEO - JULIET - OpenDOAR - and /search The Depot - depot.edina.ac.uk Intute Repository Search - irs.ukoln.ac.uk BASE - digital.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/index.php DRIVER - UKCoRR - (
Halfway up... Lengthy climb But if we had asked how long it would take... Paths do appear unexpectedly Other social forces also at work Beginning to see the view