Welcome Parents! As you come in: Sign up for a conference time (located on by door). Feel free to sign up and volunteer(located on by door). Find your child’s desk and use the paper on their desk to write a note back (feel free to use the materials in their pencil box to decorate your note!)
Mrs. Manuel’s 3 rd Grade Class Welcome to Back to School Night!
Agenda Teacher Introduction Classroom Expectations Nine Week Plans Math Grouping Homework 40 Book Challenge Grading Retakes Vacations Questions Contact Information
A Little Bit About Me… I graduated from Shippensburg University with a Bachelors in Elementary Education I am originally from Pennsylvania This is my 15th year of teaching I enjoy cooking, baking, taking walks, gardening and playing the piano
Classroom Expectations Students arrive promptly and begin morning work Students are to stay on task and not disrupt the learning process Students are responsible for their own behavior and expected to follow the school and class rules Students will copy their homework in their agenda and hand in completed homework in a timely manner Incomplete homework will be done during recess. Chance Cards (Individual Students) Bingo Chart (whole class) Think Sheet--filled out in class and sent home for parent signature.
The First Nine Weeks MATH Place Value Rounding Numbers Addition & Subtraction (inverse relationships) Ge0metry SCIENCE Scientific Investigation Matter Natural Cycles (Sun, Earth, Moon)
The First Nine Weeks (cont’d.) SOCIAL STUDIES Government Famous Americans ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Effective Communication Skills Word Analysis Skills Reading Strategies (fiction/non-fiction) Demonstrate Comprehension of Fiction Descriptive Paragraphs (Personal Narratives)
Math Grouping Differentiated within classroom ALL students’ are taught the same content, but activities/content are delivered according to individual needs. Focus on integrating math instruction Meeting increased demands of SOL test Fall and Spring pre-assessments for re-placement
Homework Students will receive approximately 30 minutes of homework every night. In addition students are expected to read minutes every night. Students are expected to use their agendas daily. Parental supervision of agenda use is strongly encouraged.
40 Book Challenge Students will be reading from a variety of genres in order to explore books that you might not ordinarily read and to develop an understanding of literary elements, text features, and text structures. Students will record the books they are reading at school or at home. Any book that a student reads that has more than 350 pages counts as 2 books. Students may only use 1 book from a particular series. Ex. They cannot count more than 2 A-Z Mystery books as 2 of their fiction books.
40 Book Challenge
How I Grade Formative Assessments: Ongoing Check for understanding Highest score is a 3 Summative Assessments Quizzes and Tests (quizzes less) 2 level 4 questions on all tests A ll questions correct earns a score of 4 Getting one level 4 question earns a 3+
Grading Teachers will use the following grading scale for student work: 4– Consistently goes beyond established goals for achievement/contributions or explains & justifies reasoning behind an answer -Consistently transfers, applies, and expands skills -Routinely applies problem-solving and critical-thinking skills across areas of the curriculum -Consistently shows originality, creativity, and intuitive thinking beyond standard expectations 3– Meets established goal for achievement -Demonstrates all required knowledge of content area -Frequently transfers, applies and expands skills -Periodically demonstrates originality, creativity, and intuitive thinking 3 + : applies some of the “4” expectations
Grading 2– Demonstrates partial knowledge of established goal for achievement, but is progressing toward complete knowledge of standard -Infrequently transfers, applies and expands skills -Progressing toward expressing original, creative and intuitive thinking -Rarely applies problem-solving and critical-thinking skills across areas of the curriculum 2+ : applies some of the “3” expectations 1-Has difficulty/does not meet established grade-level goals for achievement and expectations -Requires support to meet established goal for achievement -Seldom or never understands, transfers, or applies skills -Does not apply problem-solving and critical-thinking skills across areas of the curriculum -Rarely shows originality, creativity, or intuitive-thinking skills in completing assignments 1+ : applies some of the “2” expectations
Retakes on Summative Tests Students will be permitted to retake a summative assessment 2 times if they received a score lower than a “3” The highest score a student can earn on a retake is a 2+
Vacations If you are planning on taking a vacation that will be more than 3 days you must Mr. Thiessen to have them approved.
General Classrom and Contact Information Class page on Pinebrook website Please feel free to contact me via: Phone Letters sent in with your child s