W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Oxford University Library Services – Information Skills Training WISER SCIENCE: Electronic Resources for Engineering Louise Colver & Nicola Mawer 15 th February 2006
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Overview of session Introduction to OxLIP Demonstration of key resources in Engineering subjects Search skills Creating a search strategy Finding the best search terms Combining terms using Boolean connectors
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources OxLIP Oxford Library Information Platform – gateway to all e-resources available in Oxford Library catalogues including OLIS Bibliographic databases (journal article summaries & tables of contents) Full-text electronic journals and newspapers (TdNet) Internet sites (subject gateways) and search engines
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources
Accessing OxLIP Access from any Oxford University Computer by following the “electronic resources” link Remote access: Arrange before you leave Oxford by registering with OUCS: Check on Oxlip/Title/Remote access Register for a personal Athens account also on Oxlip/Title/Athens Registration E.g. Web of Knowledge and Compendex
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Bibliographic databases Excellent for locating journal articles, book chapters and book reviews (NB. References only, NOT necessarily full text ) General and Subject specific coverage Journals more up to date than books Some provide links to full text via new “TOUR” feature Not all results are tied to library holdings Different interfaces but similar functionality
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Subject specific For Engineering subjects – Compendex Most comprehensive engineering database References from 5,000 engineering journals and conference proceedings Coverage from Updated weekly No password required from the Oxford domain From outside of Oxford use personal Athens Authentication username and password Access from Oxlip
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Subject specific Other datasets for engineering subjects are: Metadex for material science INSPEC for Physics/engineering Medline for medical engineering Geobase for environmental engineering MathSci for mathematical subjects All are accessed through Oxlip
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Interdisciplinary Web of Knowledge ( Web of Science covers journals in all subject areas Users can search across science, social sciences and arts and humanities Citation Searching Scopus ( ) On trial till September 2006 Provides an alternative to WOK for cross- disciplinary search and citation searching
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources SCIRUS Search engine specifically aimed at scientists ( Searches over 200 million science- specific websites Find reports, peer-reviewed articles, patents etc. Good alternative to Google
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Search strategy Ask a clear search question Break the question into search concepts Select a range of search terms Combine terms into a search strategy Search appropriate subject resources Find more search terms from retrieved records while searching
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Searching techniques Boolean connectors : AND, OR, NOT AND to narrow the search OR to broaden the search (synonyms) NOT to exclude some terms Common symbols for wildcards and truncation: ? for a single character wom?n will find woman or women * for truncation or variant spellings enzym* for enzyme, enzymes, enzymology etc.
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources OR, AND, NOT Airplane SafetyDesign
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Sample search We are interested in the design of reinforced concrete buildings to be earthquake resistant AND = narrowsOR = widens earthquake OR seism* Search string could be: (earthquake OR seism*) and reinforced concrete
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Getting access to the full- text Is it in an electronic journal? Check TDNet (Oxlip/Electronic Journals) Is it in an Oxford library? Check OLIS (Oxlip/OLIS) If not, try Inter-Library Loan from the RSL
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources What next? Practice! Subject advice from Radcliffe Science Library staff