Today, the wild dream of wealth, position & insecurity about success is making a large number of people push their limits. They chase their dreams day and night. The present era of cutthroat competition is taking a heavy toll on the health of mankind. In the process, people end up leading to a chaotic life bereft of any peace or happiness. The excruciating pains taken in the never ending pursuit of success often lead to chaos & confusion in one’s life, family & society at large. Success and wealth are necessary; but not at the cost of happiness. The material pleasure and success without peace of mind is meaningless. WHAT’S THE PANACEA TO THIS CHRONIC PROBLEM? STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
THE STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P Stress Management Workshop of Manashakti Research Centre, Lonavla, helps the participants understand the Laws of Nature that govern Happiness and lead Happy, Meaningful and Contented life.
Session 1: Cause & Effects of Stress on Mind & Body Session 2: Stress Evaluation Session 3: Health & Food Habits Session 4: Take Charge of Your Life STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P CONTENTS
SESSION 1: CAUSE & EFFECTS OF STRESS ON MIND & BODY Stress is inevitable part of life; Stress is good for progress; How to manage its mal-effects on health and other fronts; What are individual’s resources to achieve ambitions in life? What's the quota of one's energy? Key to Happiness - Abide by the Laws of Nature STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
SESSION 2: STRESS EVALUATION The Physiology of Stress – the havoc in Body; The Psychology of Stress – the Stress Response; Demonstration of Stress Response with Instruments; Individual Depression, Stress, Anxiety Test; Individual Reports & Solutions for daily use; Stable Mind Can Handle Tough Situations Better; STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
SESSION 3: HEALTH & FOOD HABITS Understanding our Body Mechanism – It’s Functions; Literacy about Food Habits; Understanding Emotions; Why Dis-Ease is on Increase? Role of Cells in Creation of Disease; Recipropathy to Solve the Problems of Life; Hospital for Peace of Mind STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
SESSION 4: TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE Pyro-Brain to use the untapped potentials; Tangram & Brainy Cube for Left & Right Brain Power; Meditation Theory & Practice- Dialogue with the Body; 16 methods for peace of mind; Self-Reflection Prayer; Let’s Be Our Own Friends; Build Good Teams in the play of life: Family, Office & Society; IF ALL GIVE ALL WILL GET STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
OTHER DETAILS Faculties: Experts of Manashakti Research Centre Duration of the workshop: 8 hours. Cost: Rs. 2000/- per participant (Traveling Extra) On arrival Breakfast, Tea-Coffee, Lunch, Valet Parking included Kit: Complementary Set of Books, CDs & Experimental Aids to Every Participant; Payment in the Name of HEALTH NEW WAY STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
Workshops conducted for: STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
We hope the above presentation has given you fair idea about the workshop. We would like to work with your Team. Suhas Gudhate Shekhar Muzumdar Manashakti Research Centre, Mumbai-Pune Road, Lonavla T: | D: | W: STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P