Ways to Success What’s on offer and who to ask
Saturday Club The LRC is open every Saturday during term-time from 10am to 2 pm and is staffed by two adults, usually two teachers. Students have access to computers and to support material provided by subjects. General guidance is available, along with peace and quiet. Students can come and go as they please, but must sign in and out. Light refreshments are provided. Contact Miss Cunningham for more details.
Key Words Booklets Every student in Y11 has received a Key Words booklet, which has been compiled by teachers. The booklet contains the key words of which every student requires knowledge and understanding. Perfect for parents to test their offspring! If additional copies are needed, see Mrs Barry
Letts Essential Study Skills Every Y11 student was given a copy of Letts’ Essential Study Skills book, which gives general guidance for students (and parents) on how to prepare for exams. Replacement copies can be purchased from Mrs Barry for £2.
Coursework Catch-up Day January 30 th 2008 On January 30 th,students who are behind with coursework will be in school to catch up, supported by teachers. Details of coursework requirements can be found in the Coursework Guide given to students earlier this academic year. Students who are up-to-date with their work will be given permission to work at home or in the LRC. Full details to follow.
Flipcharts and Flippers Flipcharts can be useful for revision purposes. Students use them to help mind mapping; to display key words and to help chart progress. These can be purchased from the School Office for £2.50 each. Flippers are small bunches of paper on which key words can be kept. Students have found them useful for revision and for testing each other. These can be purchased from the School Office for 50p each.
Web-sites Details of useful web-sites are given on Page18 of the students’ Planners. SAM Learning is particularly useful when students use the examination type questions. A reminder about log-on details can be obtained from tutors or Mrs Barry.
School Website The address is This information will be available on the web- site along with information from departments as necessary. Please contact Mrs Barry, Deputy Head; Mr Phillips, Head of Year 11 or your child’s tutor if you require any general help or information. Please contact subject staff for specific advice.